
(2022) Lounici K., Meziani K., et Riu B. AdaCap: Adaptive Capacity control for Feed-Forward Neural Networks

(2021) Lounici K., Meziani K., et Riu B.. Muddling Labels for Regularization, a novel approach to generalization.

(2018) Lounici K., Meziani K., et Peyé G. Adaptive sup-norm estimation of the Wigner function in quantum homodyne tomography with noisy data. Annals of stats,46 (3),1318-1351. KKP.pdf

(2013) Alquier P., Meziani K., et Peyré G. Adaptive estimation of the density matrix in quantum homodyne tomography with noisy data. Inverse Problems 29, no. 7, 075017, 20 pp.

(2013) Dalalyan A., Hebiri M., Meziani K. et Salmon J. Learning Heteroscedastic Models by Convex Programming under Group Sparsity. In Journal of Machine Learning Research - W & CP 28( 3) (ICML), pp. 379-387.

(2013) Alquier P., Butucea C., Hebiri M. , Meziani K. et Morimae T. Rank penalized estimation of a quantum system, arxiv :1206.1711, Physical Reviews A, Vol. 88, 032113.

(2011) Butucea C. et Meziani K. Quadratic functional estimation in inverse problems. Stat. Methodol. 8, no. 1, 31-41.

(2009) Aubry, Jean-Marie ; Butucea, Cristina ; Meziani K. State estimation in quantum homodyne tomography with noisy data. Inverse Problems 25, no. 1, 015003, 22 pp.

(2009) Meziani K. Nonparametric goodness-of-.test in quantum homodyne tomography with noisy data. Electron. J. Stat. 2, 1195-1223.

(2008) Meziani K. Nonparametric estimation of the purity of a quantum state in quantum homodyne tomography with noisy data. Math. Methods Statist. 16 , no. 4, 354-368.

(2008) Thèse Estimations et tests non paramétriques en tomographie quantique homodyne

"Nous pouvons apprivoiser le monde quantique à l’aide de nos mathématiques, mais cela ne l’empêche pas d’être étrange, plus étrange même que tout ce que peut nous proposer notre imagination. "

Heinz Pagels (1939-1988).