Online Decision Making: The utility of Fluid Heuristics & Optimism in the face of uncertainty

Topics to be covered this six week course


Monograph by Alekh Agarwal, Nan Jiang, Sham Kakade, Wen Sun

Journal article by Santiago R. Balseiro, Omar Besbes, Dana Pizarro

Operations Research (In Press)

Journal article by Santiago R. Balseiro, Haihao Lu, Vahab Mirrokni

Operations Research 71(1), pp. 101-119

Monograph by Dylan J. Foster and Alexander Rakhlin

Lecture slides

Week 2: Dynamic Resource-Constrained Reward-Collection Problems: Introduction, Examples, Fluid approximation, and the CE heuristic (slides)

Week 3: The fluid approximation and the CE heuristic in problems (slides)

Please note: These slides are just used as teaching aid for this class. They are not meant to be reproduced