Research publications


A nonparametric approach with marginals for modeling consumer choice

Co-authored with Yanqiu Ruan, Xiaobo Li, Karthik Natarajan

Distributionally robust affine Markov decision processes 

Co-authored with Divya Padmanabhan

Exact and efficient simulation of tail probabilities of heavy-tailed infinite series

Co-authored with Henrik Hult, Sandeep Juneja

Peer-reviewed publications

Achieving efficiency in black-box simulation of distribution tails with self-structuring importance samplers

Co-authored with Anand Deo

Operations Research (in press)

Importance Sampling for minimization of tail risks: A tutorial

Co-authored with Anand Deo

Invited tutorial in Proceedings of Winter Simulation Conference (WSC'23) 

A nonparametric approach with marginals for modeling consumer choice

Co-authored with Yanqiu Ruan, Xiaobo Li, Karthik Natarajan

Extended abstract in Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC), ACM, 2023 

Admission Control In the Presence of Arrival Forecasts with Blocking-Based Policy Optimization

Co-authored with Divya Padmanabhan, Satyanath Bhat

In proceedings of the  Winter Simulation Conference (WSC '22), IEEE press, 2022, pp. 2270-2281

Combining Retrospective Approximation with Importance Sampling for Risk Averse Optimisation

Co-authored with Anand Deo, Tirtho Sarker

In Proceedings of the 2022 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC '22), IEEE press, 2022, pp. 891-902

Confidence regions in Wasserstein distributionally robust optimization

Co-authored with Jose Blanchet, Nian Si  

Biometrika, 2022, 109(2): 295 - 315

Optimal transport based distributionally robust optimization: Structural properties and iterative Schemes

Co-authored with Jose Blanchet, Fan Zhang  

Mathematics of Operations Research, 2022, (47) 2 : 1500-1529

Statistical Analysis of Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Estimators

Co-authored with Jose Blanchet, Viet Anh Nguyen, 

INFORMS TutORials in Operations Research, 2021, Emerging Optimization Methods and Modeling Techniques with Applications , 227-254

Efficient black-box importance sampling for VaR and CVaR estimation

Co-authored with Anand Deo

In Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC '21), IEEE press, 2021, pp. 1-12

Testing group fairness via optimal transport projections

Co-authored with Nian Si, Jose Blanchet, Viet Anh Nguyen,  

In Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2021, PMLR 139:9649-9659

Optimizing tail risks using an importance sampling based extrapolation for heavy-tailed objectives

Co-authored with Anand Deo 

In Proceedings of the 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2020, Korea (South), pp. 1070- 1077

Exploiting partial correlations in distributionally robust optimization

Co-authored with Divya Padmanabhan, Karthik Natarajan

Mathematical Programming, 2021, 186, 209 - 255

On distributionally robust extreme value analysis

Co-authored with Jose Blanchet, Fei He

 Extremes, 2020, 23(2), 317- 347

Data-Driven Optimal Transport Cost Selection For Distributionally Robust Optimization

Co-authored with Jose Blanchet, Yang Kang, Fan Zhang 

In Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC '19)IEEE press, 2019, pp. 3740-37514  

Robust Wasserstein profile inference and applications to machine learning

Co-authored with Jose Blanchet, Yang Kang

Journal of Applied Probability, 2019, 56(3), 830-857

Quantifying distributional model risk via optimal transport

Co-authored with Jose Blanchet

Mathematics of Operations Research, 2019, 44:2, 565-600

Exact simulation of multi-dimensional Reflected Brownian Motion

Co-authored with Jose Blanchet

Journal of Applied Probability, 2018, 55(1), 137-156

Tail asymptotics for delay in a half-loaded GI/GI/2 queue with heavy-tailed job sizes

Co-authored with Jose Blanchet

Queueing Systems, 2015, 81, 301-340

Incorporating views on marginal distributions in the calibration of risk models

Co-authored with Santanu Dey, Sandeep Juneja

Operations Research Letters, 2015, 43(1), 46-51

State-independent importance sampling for random walks with regularly varying increments

Co-authored with Sandeep Juneja, Jose Blanchet 

Stochastic Systems, 2015, 4(2), 321-374

Optimal rare event Monte Carlo for Markov modulated regularly varying random walks

Co-authored with Sandeep Juneja, Jose Blanchet

In Proceedings of  the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC '13), IEEE press,  2013, pp. 564-576

State-independent importance sampling for estimating large deviation probabilities in heavy-tailed random walks

Co-authored with Sandeep Juneja

In Proceedings of the 6th International ICST Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools, IEEE, 2012, pp. 127-135

We gratefully acknowledge support from the Singapore Ministry of Education Academic Research Funding, Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore, Aviation Studies Institute and the Startup research funding support from SUTD

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