Published articles in Mathematics

Mathematical Articles (from MathSciNet(TM) of the American Mathematical Society; 75 items + 2 additions)


MR0577890 Reviewed Kim, Kang Tae Schottky-Landau property and hyperbolicity of complex manifolds. J. Korean Math. Soc. 16  (1979/80),  no. 2, 125–129. 32H20

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MR0735562 Reviewed Hahn, Kyong T.; Kim, Kang T. Hyperbolicity of a complex manifold and other equivalent properties. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 91  (1984),  no. 1, 49–53. (Reviewer: Toshio Urata) 32H20

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MR1022245 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae Theory of domains in Cn from geometric viewpoint. Analysis and geometry 1987 (Taejŏn, 1987), 223–239, Korea Inst. Tech., Taejŏn, 1987. (Reviewer: Rita Saerens) 32F15 (32M05)

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MR2636397 Thesis Kim, Kang-Tae Domains with noncompact automorphism groups. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of California, Los Angeles. 1988. 90 pp, ProQuest LLC

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MR1034985 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae Domains with noncompact automorphism groups. Recent developments in geometry (Los Angeles, CA, 1987), 249–262, Contemp. Math., 101, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1989. (Reviewer: J. T. Davidov) 32F15 (32M99)

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MR0986028 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae Complete localization of domains with noncompact automorphism groups. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 319  (1990),  no. 1, 139–153. (Reviewer: L. L. Stachó) 32H20 (32A40 32F15 32M05)

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MR1127586 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae Automorphism groups of certain domains in Cn with a singular boundary. Pacific J. Math. 151  (1991),  no. 1, 57–64. (Reviewer: Harald Upmeier) 32M05 (32A07)

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MR1128552 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae Biholomorphic mappings between quasicircular domains in Cn. Several complex variables and complex geometry, Part 2 (Santa Cruz, CA, 1989), 283–290, Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., 52, Part 2, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1991. (Reviewer: J. T. Davidov) 32H02 (32A07 32M05)

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MR1157315 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae Domains in Cn with a piecewise Levi flat boundary which possess a noncompact automorphism group. Math. Ann. 292  (1992),  no. 4, 575–586. (Reviewer: Autorreferat) 32F99 (32M05)

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MR1174478 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae Asymptotic behavior of the curvature of the Bergman metric of the thin domains. Pacific J. Math. 155  (1992),  no. 1, 99–110. (Reviewer: I. P. Ramadanov) 32H10

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MR1249831 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae On a boundary point repelling automorphism orbits. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 179  (1993),  no. 2, 463–482. (Reviewer: Eric Bedford) 32M05 (32H50)

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MR1320264 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae Geometry of bounded domains and the scaling techniques in several complex variables. Lecture Notes Series, 13. Seoul National University, Research Institute of Mathematics, Global Analysis Research Center, Seoul, 1993. 80 pp. (Reviewer: Eric Bedford) 32M12 (32H99)

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MR1204380 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae On smooth and analytic disks in C2 with common boundary. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 122  (1994),  no. 2, 541–544. (Reviewer: Sorin Dragomir) 32F99 (32D10)

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MR1357392 Reviewed Cheung, C. K.; Kim, Kang-Tae Analysis of the Wu metric. I. The case of convex Thullen domains. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 348  (1996),  no. 4, 1429–1457. (Reviewer: John Bland) 32H15

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MR1433986 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae; Yu, Jiye Boundary behavior of the Bergman curvature in strictly pseudoconvex polyhedral domains. Pacific J. Math. 176  (1996),  no. 1, 141–163. (Reviewer: Gregor Herbort) 32H10 (32F15)

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MR1363414 Reviewed Cheung, C. K.; Kim, K. T. Analysis of the Wu metric. II. The case of non-convex Thullen domains. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 125  (1997),  no. 4, 1131–1142. (Reviewer: John Bland) 32H15

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MR1751069 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae The Wu metric and minimum ellipsoids. The Third Pacific Rim Geometry Conference (Seoul, 1996), 121–138, Monogr. Geom. Topology, 25, Int. Press, Cambridge, MA, 1998. (Reviewer: Marcus Wright) 32F45 (32Q05 32Q45)

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MR1653042 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae; Krantz, Steven G. A crash course in the function theory of several complex variables. Complex geometric analysis in Pohang (1997), 3–37, Contemp. Math., 222, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1999. (Reviewer: Eric Bedford) 32-01 (32H02 32H15)

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MR1653055 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae; Spiro, Andrea F. Moduli space of ramified holomorphic coverings of B2. Complex geometric analysis in Pohang (1997), 227–239, Contemp. Math., 222, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1999. (Reviewer: Mario Landucci) 32H35

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MR1687087 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae On the Wu invariant metric. (Korean) Commun. Korean Math. Soc. 14  (1999),  no. 2, 233–286. (Reviewer: Sanghyun Cho) 32F45 (32-02)

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MR1696125 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae; Landucci, Mario; Spiro, Andrea F. Factorization of proper holomorphic mappings through Thullen domains. Pacific J. Math. 189  (1999),  no. 2, 293–310. (Reviewer: Elisabetta Barletta) 32H35 (32D15 32H40 32V40)

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MR1856180 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae; Pagano, Andrea Normal analytic polyhedra in C2 with a noncompact automorphism group. J. Geom. Anal. 11  (2001),  no. 2, 283–293. (Reviewer: Alexander V. Isaev) 32M05 (32A07)

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MR1895457 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae; Krantz, Steven G. Complex scaling and domains with non-compact automorphism group. Illinois J. Math. 45  (2001),  no. 4, 1273–1299. (Reviewer: Alexander V. Isaev) 32M05 (32H50)

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MR1895204 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae; Krantz, Steven G. Characterization of the Hilbert ball by its automorphism group. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 354  (2002),  no. 7, 2797–2818. (Reviewer: Alexander V. Isaev) 32K99 (32M17 46C05 58B99)

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MR1916860 Reviewed Byun, Jisoo; Gaussier, Hervé; Kim, Kang-Tae Weak-type normal families of holomorphic mappings in Banach spaces and characterization of the Hilbert ball by its automorphism group. J. Geom. Anal. 12  (2002),  no. 4, 581–599. (Reviewer: Alexander V. Isaev) 58C10 (32K99 46G20 58B12)

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MR1924777 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae; Lee, Sunhong Asymptotic behavior of the Bergman kernel and associated invariants in certain infinite type pseudoconvex domains. Forum Math. 14  (2002),  no. 5, 775–795. (Reviewer: Gregor Herbort) 32A25 (32F45)

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MR1925173 Reviewed Gaussier, Hervé; Kim, Kang-Tae; Krantz, Steven G. A note on the Wong-Rosay theorem in complex manifolds. Complex Var. Theory Appl. 47  (2002),  no. 9, 761–768. (Reviewer: Daowei Ma) 32M12 (32T15)

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MR1935150 Reviewed Fridman, B. L.; Kim, K. T.; Krantz, S. G.; Ma, D. On fixed points and determining sets for holomorphic automorphisms. Michigan Math. J. 50  (2002),  no. 3, 507–515. (Reviewer: Christian P. Wolf) 32H50

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MR1973915 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae; Ma, Daowei Characterization of the Hilbert ball by its automorphisms. J. Korean Math. Soc. 40  (2003),  no. 3, 503–516. (Reviewer: Jerry R. Muir Jr.) 58B12 (32M05 46G20)

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MR1982663 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae; Krantz, Steven G. Some new results on domains in complex space with non-compact automorphism group. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 281  (2003),  no. 2, 417–424. (Reviewer: Alexander V. Isaev) 32M05

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MR1990405 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae; Krantz, Steven G. Determining sets and fixed points for holomorphic endomorphisms. Function spaces (Edwardsville, IL, 2002), 239–246, Contemp. Math., 328, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2003. (Reviewer: Alexander V. Isaev) 32H02

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MR2006009 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae; Krantz, Steven G. Normal families of holomorphic functions and mappings on a Banach space. Expo. Math. 21  (2003),  no. 3, 193–218. (Reviewer: Jorge Mujica) 46G20 (32A19 32F45 32K05)

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MR2016590 Reviewed Cheung, C. K.; Kim, Kang-Tae The constant curvature property of the Wu invariant metric. Pacific J. Math. 211  (2003),  no. 1, 61–68. (Reviewer: Marco Abate) 32F45 (32Q45)

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MR2018337 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae; Krantz, Steven G. The Bergman metric invariants and their boundary behavior. Explorations in complex and Riemannian geometry, 139–151, Contemp. Math., 332, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2003. (Reviewer: Gregor Herbort) 32F45 (32A25)

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MR2039209 Reviewed Gaussier, Hervé; Kim, Kang-Tae Compactness of certain families of pseudo-holomorphic mappings into Cn. Internat. J. Math. 15  (2004),  no. 1, 1–12. 32Q65

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MR2087046 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae Analytic polyhedra with non-compact automorphism group. Complex analysis in several variables—Memorial Conference of Kiyoshi Oka's Centennial Birthday, 135–140, Adv. Stud. Pure Math., 42, Math. Soc. Japan, Tokyo, 2004. (Reviewer: B. Gilligan) 32M05 (32F99)

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MR2111425 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae; Verdiani, Luigi Complex n-dimensional manifolds with a real n2-dimensional automorphism group. J. Geom. Anal. 14  (2004),  no. 4, 701–713. (Reviewer: Laura Geatti) 32M05 (32M17)

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MR2113091 Reviewed Kim, Kan-Tè; Shmalʹts, G. Dynamics of local automorphisms of embedded CR-manifolds. (Russian) Mat. Zametki 76 (2004), no. 3, 477–480; translation in Math. Notes 76 (2004), no. 3-4, 443–446 (Reviewer: Małgorzata Stawiska) 32V20 (32V40 37F10)

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MR2155363 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae On the automorphism groups of convex domains in Cn. Adv. Geom. 4  (2004),  no. 1, 33–40. (Reviewer: Marco Abate) 32M99 (32G15)

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MR2124017 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae; Krantz, Steven G.; Spiro, Andrea F. Analytic polyhedra in C2 with a non-compact automorphism group. J. Reine Angew. Math. 579  (2005), 1–12. (Reviewer: Alexander V. Isaev) 32M05

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MR2154151 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae; Ma, Daowei A note on: "Characterization of the Hilbert ball by its automorphisms'' [J. Korean Math. Soc. 40 (2003), no. 3, 503–516; MR1973915]. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 309  (2005),  no. 2, 761–763. (Reviewer: Jerry R. Muir Jr.) 58B12 (32M05 46G20)

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MR2158893 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae; Krantz, Steven G. The automorphism groups of domains. Amer. Math. Monthly 112  (2005),  no. 7, 585–601. (Reviewer: Eric Bedford) 32M17 (20F38 30F35)

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MR2254371 Reviewed Fridman, B. L.; Kim, K.-T.; Krantz, S. G.; Ma, D. On determining sets for holomorphic automorphisms. Rocky Mountain J. Math. 36  (2006),  no. 3, 947–955. (Reviewer: Chiara Frosini) 32H50

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MR2301456 Reviewed Cima, Joseph A.; Graham, Ian; Kim, Kang Tae; Krantz, Steven G. The Carathéodory-Cartan-Kaup-Wu theorem on an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space. Nagoya Math. J. 185  (2007), 17–30. (Reviewer: Jerry R. Muir Jr.) 46G20 (58B12 58C10)

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MR2340324 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae; Lee, Hanjin On the Omori-Yau almost maximum principle. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 335  (2007),  no. 1, 332–340. (Reviewer: Man Chun Leung) 53C20 (53C21)

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MR2405698 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae; Levenberg, Norman; Yamaguchi, Hiroshi Robin functions for complex manifolds and applications. Complex analysis and its applications, 25–42, OCAMI Stud., 2, Osaka Munic. Univ. Press, Osaka, 2007. (Reviewer: Manfred Stoll) 32U10 (32E10 32M05)

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MR2420766 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae; Kim, Sung-Yeon CR hypersurfaces with a contracting automorphism. J. Geom. Anal. 18  (2008),  no. 3, 800–834. (Reviewer: J. Merker) 32V35 (32T25)

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MR2442193 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae; Krantz, Steven G. Complex scaling and geometric analysis of several variables. Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 45  (2008),  no. 3, 523–561. (Reviewer: Shanyu Ji) 32M05 (32E05 32E40 32M17 32M25 32T25)

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MR2496571 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae; Poletsky, Evgeny; Schmalz, Gerd Functions holomorphic along holomorphic vector fields. J. Geom. Anal. 19  (2009),  no. 3, 655–666. 32A10 (35A20)

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MR2513545 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae; Krantz, Steven G. A Kobayashi metric version of Bun Wong's theorem. Complex Var. Elliptic Equ. 54  (2009),  no. 3-4, 355–369. (Reviewer: Florian Bertrand) 32Q45 (32F45)

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MR2549880 Reviewed Choi, Young-Jun; Khoi, Le Hai; Kim, Kang-Tae On an explicit construction of weakly sufficient sets for the function algebra A−∞(Ω). Complex Var. Elliptic Equ. 54  (2009),  no. 9, 879–897. (Reviewer: Paweł Domański) 46E25 (32A38 46A13)

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MR2742680 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae; Levenberg, Norman; Yamaguchi, Hiroshi Robin functions for complex manifolds and applications. Complex analysis and digital geometry, 175–197, Acta Univ. Upsaliensis Skr. Uppsala Univ. C Organ. Hist., 86, Uppsala Universitet, Uppsala, 2009. 32U10 (32E10 32E40 32M10)

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MR2752778 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae; Levenberg, Norman; Yamaguchi, Hiroshi Robin functions for complex manifolds and applications. Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 209  (2011),  no. 984, viii+111 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8218-4965-1 (Reviewer: Guy Roos) 32U10 (31C15 32E10 32M10)

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MR2772081 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae; Yoccoz, Jean-Christophe CR manifolds admitting a CR contraction. J. Geom. Anal. 21  (2011),  no. 2, 476–493. (Reviewer: Jiří Lebl) 32V20 (32M05 32V15 32V35 32V40)

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MR2799296 Reviewed Greene, Robert E.; Kim, Kang-Tae; Krantz, Steven G. The geometry of complex domains. Progress in Mathematics, 291. Birkhäuser Boston, Ltd., Boston, MA, 2011. xiv+303 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8176-4139-9 (Reviewer: Marek Jarnicki) 32-02 (32A36 32M25 32M99 32Q45 32T15)

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MR2814713 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae; Lee, Hanjin Schwarz's lemma from a differential geometric viewpoint. IISc Lecture Notes Series, 2. IISc Press, Bangalore; World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Hackensack, NJ, 2011. xvi+82 pp. ISBN: 978-981-4324-78-6; 981-4324-78-7 (Reviewer: Pavel A. Gumenuk) 30-02 (30C80 30F45 32H25 32Q45 53C20 53C55)

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MR2894282 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae Semi-continuity theorems for holomorphic automorphism groups. Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Differential Geometry and the 4th KNUGRG-OCAMI Differential Geometry Workshop [Volume 15], 99–102, Natl. Inst. Math. Sci. (NIMS), Taejŏn, 2011. (Reviewer: Włodzimierz Zwonek) 32M05

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MR3020157 Reviewed Joo, Jae-Cheon; Kim, Kang-Tae; Schmalz, Gerd A generalization of Forelli's theorem. Math. Ann. 355  (2013),  no. 3, 1171–1176. (Reviewer: Devendra Kumar) 32A10 (32A15 32S65)

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MR3069066 Reviewed Greene, Robert E.; Kim, Kang-Tae; Krantz, Steven G.; Seo, Aeryeong Semicontinuity of automorphism groups of strongly pseudoconvex domains: the low differentiability case. Pacific J. Math. 262  (2013),  no. 2, 365–395. (Reviewer: Fusheng Deng) 32M05 (32T15)

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MR3074720 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae On the automorphism groups of complex domains. Geometry, number theory and representation theory, 65–78, KM Kyung Moon SA, Seoul, 2013. (Reviewer: Steven George Krantz) 32M05 (32M17)

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MR3074733 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae On the generalization of Forelli's theorem—a brief survey. Topics in finite or infinite dimensional complex analysis, 13–23, Tohoku University Press, Sendai, 2013. 32D15

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MR3229971 Reviewed Greene, Robert E.; Kim, Kang-Tae Stably-interior points and the semicontinuity of the automorphism group. Math. Z. 277  (2014),  no. 3-4, 909–916. (Reviewer: Daniel Beltiţă) 32M05 (22F50 32T25)

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MR3280030 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae; Ninh Van Thu On the tangential holomorphic vector fields vanishing at an infinite type point. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 367  (2015),  no. 2, 867–885. (Reviewer: Arturo Fernández-Pérez) 32V20 (32M25)

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MR3446746 Reviewed Ahn, Taeyong; Gaussier, Hervé; Kim, Kang-Tae Unbounded pseudoconvex domains in Cn and their invariant metrics. Complex analysis and geometry, 49–55, Springer Proc. Math. Stat., 144, Springer, Tokyo, 2015. (Reviewer: Armen Edigarian) 32F45 (32T40)

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MR3446771 Reviewed Fornaess, John-Erik; Kim, Kang-Tae Some problems. Complex analysis and geometry, 369–377, Springer Proc. Math. Stat., 144, Springer, Tokyo, 2015. 32-02

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MR3472832 Reviewed Ahn, Taeyong; Gaussier, Hervé; Kim, Kang-Tae Positivity and completeness of invariant metrics. J. Geom. Anal. 26  (2016),  no. 2, 1173–1185. (Reviewer: Armen Edigarian) 32A40 (32F45 32T40)

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MR3478940 Reviewed Kim, Kang-Tae; Zhang, Liyou On the uniform squeezing property of bounded convex domains in Cn. Pacific J. Math. 282  (2016),  no. 2, 341–358. (Reviewer: Steven George Krantz) 32F45 (32A25)

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MR3521087 Reviewed Joo, Jae-Cheon; Kim, Kang-Tae; Schmalz, Gerd On the generalization of Forelli's theorem. Math. Ann. 365  (2016),  no. 3-4, 1187–1200. (Reviewer: Steven George Krantz) 32A10 (32A05 32M25 32S65)

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MR3628448 Reviewed Greene, Robert E.; Kim, Kang-Tae The Riemann mapping theorem from Riemann's viewpoint. Complex Anal. Synerg. 3  (2017),  no. 1, Paper No. 1, 11 pp. 30C30

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MR3833800 Reviewed Joo, Seungro; Kim, Kang-Tae On boundary points at which the squeezing function tends to one. J. Geom. Anal. 28  (2018),  no. 3, 2456–2465. (Reviewer: Armen Edigarian) 32T25 (32H02 32M17)

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MR3848426 Reviewed Gong, Xianghong; Kim, Kang-Tae The ¯¯¯-equation on variable strictly pseudoconvex domains. Math. Z. 290  (2018),  no. 1-2, 111–144. (Reviewer: Debraj Chakrabarti) 32W05 (32U10)

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MR4058513 Pending Chu, Cho-Ho; Kim, Kang-Tae; Kim, Sejun Infinite dimensional holomorphic homogeneous regular domains. J. Geom. Anal. 30  (2020),  no. 1, 223–247. 32K15 (17C65 32F45 32H02 32M15 32T05 58B12)

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MR4081371 Reviewed Greene, Robert E.; Kim, Kang-Tae Semicontinuity of isometry groups and isomorphism groups: a survey. Acta Math. Vietnam. 45  (2020),  no. 1, 161–169. 32M17 (22E10 32M05)

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MR4236561 Indexed Chu, Cho-Ho; Kim, Kang-Tae; Kim, Sejun Correction to: Infinite dimensional holomorphic homogeneous regular domains. J. Geom. Anal. 31  (2021),  no. 4, 4356–4357. 32K15 (17C65 32F45 32H02 32M15 32T05 58B12)

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MR4270686 Pending Kim, Kang-Tae; Lee, Kang-Hyurk; Nagata, Yoshikazu Homogeneous almost complex manifolds and their compact quotients. Internat. J. Math. 32  (2021),  no. 6, Paper No. 2150034, 8 pp. 32M05 (32Q60)

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MR4310151 Pending Cho, Ye-Won Luke; Kim, Kang-Tae Functions holomorphic along a C^1 pencil of holomorphic discs. J. Geom. Anal. 31 (2021), no. 11, 10634–10647. 32A10 (32A05 32M25 32S65 32U20) 

Complex analysis and geometry

Topological invariants and Holomorphic Mappings

Robert E. Greene1; Kang-Tae Kim2 ; Nikolay V. Shcherbina3 

Comptes Rendus. Mathématique, Volume 360 (2022), pp. 829-844. [ArXiv.2107.14393, (2021)]