Graduate Quantum Mechanics

SPRING  2024

Course Number: PHYS 6165 


Instructor: ARCHANA KAMAL (archana_kamal[AT]

Grader: RED KEEFE (andrew_keefe[AT}

Meeting Times: Tuesday/Thursday,  8:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.; Location: Olney 115

Prerequisites: Undergraduate Quantum Mechanics I and II (or special permission from the instructor).

Primary Textbooks:  

Secondary Texts

Grading Scheme:

Both midterm and final examinations will be open-book exams.

Course Description: This single-semester course assumes prior exposure to quantum mechanics and is designed to train students in more complex concepts and tools of quantum mechanics. By the end of the course students should have enough proficiency in conceptual and technical framework of quantum mechanics to take advanced elective courses, such as quantum Information,  advanced statistical mechanics, quantum field theory, and/or quantum many-body physics.

HW and Exams

To facilitate in-depth learning and maintain fairness, the students should avoid making use of online solutions to problems (if any exist!). Solutions to the homeworks will not be posted, but can be discussed with/requested from the instructor.

Absence Policy:  

Academic Integrity: Collaboration with other students on homeworks and formation of study groups are encouraged. However, the collective wisdom developed in the process should not preclude individual comprehension. Each student should hand in separate homeworks, written independently of the other group members.

Any suspected cheating or other instance of academic dishonesty will be dealt with as per the university policy (please read:

University Privacy Statement: UMass Lowell recognizes the importance of mutual trust between students and faculty. Massachusetts is a two-party consent state, which means it is illegal to record someone without their permission. Recordings of classroom lectures are the intellectual property of the instructor. Instructors have the right to prohibit audio and video recording of their lectures, unless the requesting student is registered with Disabilities Services and recording of class sessions is an approved accommodation. In addition, sharing or selling recordings of classroom activities, discussions or lectures with any other person or medium without permission of the instructor is prohibited.

Cell Phones: Use of cell phones is strictly prohibited during lecture hours, except in verifiable cases of emergencies. Use of laptops and electronic tablets is limited to the instances when required for in-class exercises or running simulations explicitly provided during the course of the lectures.

Students who prefer to take notes on electronic writing pads or tablets, should contact the professor and seek prior permission to do so.

Food and Drinks: No eatables are allowed during the lecture hours. If there is a compulsive need to eat, the students should excuse themselves and leave the classroom (or turn off their video/audio in case of zoom) to finish their meal. The exception to this rule is only permitted in case of a medical requirement. The only drink allowed during the lectures is water (students should feel free to keep themselves hydrated!). Consumption of alcoholic drinks during the lecture is not allowed.

Student Mental Health and Well-being: We are a campus that cares about the mental health and well-being of all individuals in our campus community, and recognize that personal health and well-being of students can impact their success in this course. Students sometimes experience mental health concerns or stressful experiences that interfere with academics and have a negative impact on everyday life. If a student or someone they know are experiencing mental health challenges at UMass Lowell, they should contact Counseling (information below). Their services are free and confidential, and same day appointments are available.

Students can also reach out to any one of a wide range of campus resources, including:

Consider also reaching out to a friend, faculty or a trusted family member for getting connected to the support that can help. 

Health and Safety: The safety and health of the UMass Lowell community is our shared priority. In seeking to provide the fullest academic and campus life experience possible, UMass Lowell will rely on all members of our community to act responsibly.  For the latest updates on UMass Lowell’s health advisory, please visit

UMass Lowell has implemented reasonable health and safety protocols in accordance with national and state public health guidelines. These standards apply to anyone who is physically present on campus or participating in a UMass Lowell-sponsored activity.

Disability Services:  If a student a documented disability that will require classroom accommodation, they should notify the professor as soon as possible, so that appropriate arrangements can be made. The students should contact the professor during office hours or send an email. They are encouraged to visit the Student Disability Services webpage for further information.

Additionally, Student Disability Services supports software for ALL students. The university has literacy software that allows the student to read on-screen text aloud, research and check written work, and create study guides. Students can download the software from the IT Software webpage on the UML assistive technologies website

Course Plan: