QUantum Engineering Science and Technology GROUP

Welcome TO QUEST group's homepage!

Our QUEST involves engineering artificial systems, which can realize and exploit quantum mechanical effects at macroscopic scales. Besides being crucial for quantum computation and quantum information, macroscopic quantum systems also provide us platforms to explore the fundamental concepts of quantum physics itself. 

Our research involves proposing, developing and modeling such systems using a combination of analytical and numerical techniques. Specifically, we focus on superconducting circuits-based quantum information, nonlinear dynamics and  engineered open quantum systems. More details can be found on our research and publications pages.

Quantum Engineering Science and Technology Group

Recent News

MAY 2024: New preprint on spectral diagnostics of non-Markovianity

APRIL 2024: New members join the QUEST @NU 

MARCH 2024: New preprint on OQS description for quantum field theories

MARCH 2024: QUEST group @ APS March Meeting 2024 (Minneapolis, USA)

FEBRUARY 2024: Paper on continuous Zeno/Anti-Zeno published in PRL

For details and past announcements,  please see


QUEST Group is moving to Northwestern University in Fall 2024. We have openings for postdocs (check out the job posting HERE), graduate students, and interns. For applying, please contact the PI via email.