MAY 2024

New preprint on spectral diagnostics of non-Markovianity

Check out our new preprint proposing a spectral meaasure of non-Markovianity (a.k.a. memory effects in open systems). Crucially, the proposed measure does not need any tomographic state reconstrcution and alleviates some key misdiagnoses obtained with time-domain recurrence-based measures such as BLP non-Markovinaity.  We also propose a new frequency-domain quantum master equation that makes no Markov approximation and retains full memory of the quantum state.

This work was led by graduate student Red Keefe and was done in collaboration with Prof. Nishant Agarwal at UML.

APRIL 2024

New member joins the QUEST @NU 

QUEST group welcomes its first official recruit at Northwestern University: Dr. Debsuvra Mukhopadhyay.

Before joining the group,  Debs finished his PhD at Texas A&M University working with Prof. G. S. Agarwal, followed by a postdoctoral stint at Washinton University in St. Louis in the group of Prof. J. T. Shen. 

Welcome aboard Debs!

APRIL 2024

New student joins the QUEST @NU 

QUEST group  is glad to welcome Ennis Mawas -- its new graduate student member at Northwestern University.

Before joining the group,  Ennis was involved in performing measurements on superconducting resonators and qubits at NU.

Welcome aboard Ennis!

MARCH 2024

New preprint on OQS description for quantum field theories 

Check out our recent preprint on developing quantum master equations for interacting field theories. Specifically, we revisit the Markovian vs non-Markovian evolution for Klein-Gordon fields interacting via bilinear and nonlinear interactions. Importantly, we find that the Born-Redfield type descriptions can lead to more accurate solutions than standard loop corrections or Dyson series perturbation theory results due to effective resummation at the level of density operator. 

This work was done in collaboration with our field theorist friends - Prof. Nishant Agarwal at UML and his graduate student Brenden Bowen.

MARCH 2024

QUEST group @APS-MM 2024

Given  the group's ongoing move to Northwestern University, selected members and collaborators of the QUEST group participated in the APS March Meeting 2024. The meeting this year was held in the serene city of Minneapolis, MN.

We are thrilled to see that the DQI Focus session proposed and floated by Archana and her collaborators on "Quantum Reservoir Engineering and Nonreciprocal Interactions" continued to attract really interesting talks third year in a row. Archana happened to chair the session too at MM-2024.


UPDATE: Our work in collaboration with IBM Quantum on readout-induced Zeno/Anti-Zeno gets published in Physical Review Letters. You can read the paper here.


QUEST group graduates two new doctors

Alvin successfully defends his thesis on "Josephson Junction-based Metamaterial for Broadband Amplification". He is contemplating his next move, which may or may not involve quantum research but would definitely be in the domain of science and engineering.

Tristan successfully defends his thesis on "Dissipation-Engineered State Stabilization in Parametric Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics". He is venturing out of academia while still pursuing exciting quantum efforts in his home state of MA as a scientist in Quantum Information and Integrated Nanosystems Group at MIT Lincoln Laboratory.

Congratulations and best wishes for your new endeavors Dr. Kow and Dr. Brown!

QUEST group c. Fall 2023, with two newly minted doctors


Two new members join the QUEST

QUEST group welcomes two new members in the new academic year: Dr. Ghofrane Bel-Hadj-Aissa who joins the team as the new postdoctoral associate, and Pawan Goswami as a graduate student

Before joining the group, Ghofrane finished her PhD in Italy on studying entanglement and classical phase transitions from a differential geometry perspective. Pawan joins us after finishing his B.Tech. from IIT Delhi in India, where he explored condensed matter systems such as magic-angle graphene.

Welcome aboard!

QUEST group c. Summer 2023, with the newly minted doctor 

JULY 2023

First QUEST thesis PhinisheD

Emery successfully defends his thesis on "Entanglement Stabilization using Linear Dissipation", making him the first Ph.D. graduate from QUEST group. He is transitioning to exploring quantum thermodynamics at UMBC in the coming Fall.

Congratulations Dr. Doucet!

JUN 2023

Parametric cQED paper published in Nature Physics

Our joint work with NIST Boulder, led by postdoc Taewan Noh appeared in Nature Physics today. Special shout out to Dr. Ray Simmonds for spearheading this work**.

For a non-expert summary of this research, see this press release by NIST Boulder. 

External media coverage:  ElectronicsWeeklyCybernews, TechCentral, SemiconductorEngineering

**If you are interested, the accompanying theory paper published last year in PRApplied can be read here.

JUN 2023

Modular coupler paper published in Phys. Rev. Applied

Our theoretical proposal for a versatile tunable coupler, with an internally-defined zero coupling condition, got published in Phys. Rev. Applied.  Special shout out to Dan Campbell @AFRL for spearheading this work.

The paper is open access and can be read here.

MAY 2023

New paper on resolution of T1 anomaly in circuit QED

Check out our new preprint on non-QND effects during cQED readout with collaborators at IBM Quantum, Ted Thorbeck and Luke Govia.

Here we resolve the long-standing puzzle of qubit lifetime modification during measurement with really clever experiments performed by the IBM team, backed by a self-consistent treatment of dephasing-induced continuous Zeno/Anti-Zeno effects in the presence of strong coupling to the readout resonator. 

Theory  paper coming soon!

New student joins the QUEST

We welcome newest addition to the QUEST group, graduate student Vedant Kashyap.  Before joining UML, he completed his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Physics from IIT (BHU) in India.

Welcome Vedant!

MARCH 2023

QUEST group @APS March Meeting 2023

Our group is participating at the APS March Meeting being held in Las Vegas this year with the following series of talks.

We are also thrilled that APS-TV has selected QUEST group as one of their feature stories for APS March Meeting 2023. Check out this short film covering our research in quantum information and featuring our amazing collaborators, solving challenges in fields ranging from quantum cosmology to quantum engineering with superconducting circuits. 


New paper on scalable entanglement using quantum reservoir engineering

Check out our new preprint on deterministic generation of multipartitie entanglement via engineered dissipation. In this work, we lay out the criteria for what it takes for a reservoir engineering protocol to be 'scalable' with system size. Interestingly, we also show how using several engineered modular dissipators, i.e. dissipators which act on a few qubits at a time, leads to an exponential improvement in the stabilization time over a more traditional construction where a single dissipator acts on all qubits at once. 

This work was led by graduate student Emery Doucet, and was pursued in collaboration with Dr. Luke Govia at IBM research.


QUEST group welcomes new postdoc

QUEST group welcomes Dr. Sudhir Kumar Sahu,  who will be working  with our collaborators Dr. Raymond Simmonds and Dr. Jose Aumentado at NIST Boulder on the DOE-funded PIQUE program.

Before joining UML, Sudhir completed his Ph.D. at the Indian Institute of Science in the group of Prof. Vibhor Singh, where he developed cavity electomechanical systems for superconducting vortex charge sensing.

Welcome Sudhir!


New member joins the QUEST 

QUEST group welcomes Dr. Carlos Andres Gonzalez Gutierrez, as a new postdoctoral associate. Before joining UML, Carlos finished his PhD at UNAM, Mexico and a postdoctoral stint at INMA, Spain in the group of David Zeuco on projects spanning several themes in quantum optics.

Welcome Carlos!

JULY 2022

Preprint on a new modular circuit for coupling quantum nodes

Check out our new preprint proposing a hybridization-based modular coupler that can implement tunable (static or parametric) interactions between fixed-frequency superconducting qubits. This work was pursued in close collaboration with Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) at Rome, NY.

JUN 2023 UPDATE: Our theoretical design of a modular architecture for coupling superconducting qubits published in Phys. Rev. Applied.  Check it out here. 

JULY 2022

Bell state stabilization paper published in Nature Communications

Our work on trade-off free entanglement stabilization gets published in Nature Communications.  You can read the published version here.

MAY 2022

Cover story on QUEST group's research

We are grateful to Kennedy College of Sciences to feature the research pursued in our group in the latest edition of Elements of Science magazine. In addition to coverage of our research, the article features several student members of the group. 

Check it out here.

MAY 2022

New members join the QUEST

QUEST group welcomes two new members: Dr. Juzar Thingna and Tarush Tiwari. Before joining UML, Juzar was a junior group leader at Institute of Basic Sciences in Korea, following a rich experience of working on non-equilibrium quantum systems with several groups in Europe and Asia. 

Tarush pursued his pre-doctoral studies at IIT (BHU) Varanasi in India before starting his Ph.D. at UML. 

Welcome aboard!

APRIL 2022

Emery wins Outstanding Graduate Student award

Graduate student Emery Doucet was selected as the outstanding graduate student in Physics for the year 2022. Congratulations Emery!

MARCH 2022

QUEST @APS March Meeting 2022

QUEST group is excited to participated in the first in-person APS March Meeting in 3 years being held in Chicago! It is going to be a busy week for the group with 7 contributed talks, an invited talk (by Archana) and two sessions to chair. Looking forward to an intense and fun week filled with physics and physicists!

Invited talk by ArchanaPIQUE: a new framework for quantum systems engineering ,

Contributed talks by students and collaborators:

Session Chairing


New preprint on a novel left-handed Josephson TWPA

Check out our new preprint introducing a new design for Josephson Traveling-Wave Parametric Amplifiers based on left-handed transmission lines embedded with Josephson junctions. We also introduce a useful classification for different J-TWPA designs, showing left-handed JTLs double the design landscape of broadband microwave amplifiers.

This work was led by graduate student Alvin Kow, and was pursued in collaboration with Prof. Viktor Podolskiy at UML.


Archana awarded "IOP Trusted Reviewer" status

IOP Trusted Reviewer status recognizes the top 15% peer reviewers in physical sciences, who demonstrate a high level of peer review competence with the ability to critique scientific literature to an excellent standard. 

JULY 2021

New DOE award funds "next-generation" PIQUE

We are grateful to DOE Office of Science, BES Division for continuing to support our research that kickstarted with PIQUE (parametrically-induced quantum engineering) program in 2018. In next -generation PIQUE, we'll build on insights and developments of PIQUE to tackle some outstanding challenges in creating and controlling multi-qubit systems.

Check out the press release from the office of US representative Lori Trahan announcing this award, and related coverage in Lowell Sun.

JULY 2021

New preprint demonstrating exact entanglement stabilization

Check out our recent preprint on the implementation of a reservoir engineering protocol that realizes fast, tunable and high-fidelity Bell stabilization in a parametric circuit-QED architecture. 

This work was led by graduate students Tristan Brown and Emery Doucet, and was pursued in collaboration with Raytheon-BBN Technologies and NIST Boulder.

JULY 2022 UPDATE: Our work on trade-off free entanglement stabilization gets published in Nature Communications.  Check it out here.

JUNE 2021

Archana recognized as an Outstanding Reviewer 

Archana was named "Reviewer of the month" by Communications Physics, an open access journal published by Nature Research.

MARCH 2021

New papers on parametric circuit-QED

Check out our recent preprints on the new paradigm of parametric circuit-QED. This work was pursued in collaboration with NIST Boulder and Raytheon-BBN Technologies.

In the theory paper led by postdoc Zhihao Xiao, we develop a new method for diagonalizing time-dependent strong interactions, and use it to study dispersive regime of parametric light-matter couplings. 

The experimental paper led by postdoc Taewan Noh [who is co-advised by Dr. Ray Simmonds at NIST], constitutes the first demonstration of on-demand parametric dispersive readout in circuit-QED architecture. 


AUGUST 2022 Update:  Time-dependent Schrieffer-Wolff transformation paper published in Phys. Rev. Applied. You can access the published version here.

JUN 2023 Update:  Experimental paper published in Nature Physics. You can access the published version here.

MARCH 2021


After a gap of two years, our group is excited to participate in the first virtual APS March Meeting. 

Check out our new results in this series of talks by postdocs Zhihao and Taewan and graduate students Alvin, Emery, and Tristan:

Archana is also chairing the DQI focus session on Dynamical Decoupling and Bath Engineering for Quantum Control:


Archana receives AFOSR Young Investigator and NSF-CAREER awards

We are excited to announce that our research has been recognized with two prestigious honors: Young Investigator Program award by Air Force Office of Scientific Research, and CAREER award by National Science Foundation. 

Both these grants will help us build upon and accelerate our research on new functionalities for information processing with open quantum systems, such as autonomous error correction, time-dependent dissipative control and correlated quantum noise engineering.

Here is a link to the UML news story featuring these announcements.


Archana's seminar @IBM Quantum

Archana was invited to give a talk on "Generating and characterizing quantum correlations in NISQ systems" in quantum information science seminar series hosted by IBM. This featured QUEST group's recent work on trade-off free entanglement stabilization and new diagnostics for strong coupling in open systems.

Here is a youtube link of the recording.


Emery awarded the 2020 QISE-NET fellowship

Graduate student Emery Doucet's project on co-design of entanglement characterization and stabilization (CODECs) protocols was selected for the prestigious QISE-NET fellowship, with Dr. Luke Govia from Raytheon-BBN Technologies serving as the industry mentor on the project. This program is instituted by The Quantum Information Science and Engineering Network (QISE-NET), co-led by the University of Chicago and Harvard University

Congratulations Emery!


Archana's webinar at TEDxGateway: Breaking Barriers 

Archana gave a talk highlighting the current quantum revolution powered by quantum information technologies, in the interactive webinar series "Breaking Barriers" hosted by TEDxGateway.

The series features women experts speaking on a range of fields, from social justice and activism to space exploration, science, technology, education, business and medicine.  

Media links: TEDx, UML, Youtube

JULY 2020

New method to detect strong coupling in multi-mode open systems

MAY 2021 Update: Our work on multi-mode strong coupling diagnostic gets published in Physical Review Research.  Check it out here.

Check out the preprint of our new paper, led by graduate student Alvin Kow and postdoc Zhihao Xiao, on arxiv. This work was done in collaboration with our theory collaborator Dr.  Anja Metelmann (Princeton/now Free Univ, Berlin). 

JUNE 2020

Quarton debuts! 

New preprint on generalized flux-qubit-based (GFQ) framework to optimize superconducting qubits is posted on arXiv. This paper also introduces a new qubit design called "quarton" that combines the advantages of high anharmonicity with low sensitivity to charge noise. This work is a culmination of collaboration with MIT-EQuS group and MIT-Lincoln Laboratory.

APRIL 2020

Paper on open mesoscopic Kerr-oscillators published in Phys. Rev. Applied

Check out the published paper on PR-Applied website here. Thanks to all the co-authors, especially Christian, for making this such a fun collaboration over the years.


Quantum Frontiers blog about our paper on open system framework for early-Universe inflation

Check out the recent blogpost on IQIM-Caltech's Quantum Frontiers blog by Nicole Yunger Halpern, featuring our paper on constructing master equation for inflationary cosmology. 

Thanks to Nicole, who was also a speaker for our seminar in Theoretical Physics series, for fun conversations spanning quantum physics, inflation and life in Cambridge.


QUEST welcomes a new member

Taewan Noh joins the QUEST as a postdoctoral research associate in the group. Taewan completed his Ph.D. with Prof. Venkat Chadrashekhar at Northwestern University in Fall 2019. He will be working with our collaborators Dr. Raymond Simmonds and Dr. Jose Aumentado at NIST Boulder on parametrically-coupled superconducting circuits. Welcome Taewan!


QUEST @GRC Quantum Control of Light and Matter

JUNE 2019

"Engineering and Control of Quantum Machines" Symposium @TU Berlin

Archana delivered the keynote address at  SFB910 Symposium on our new research paradigm called Parametrically-Induced QUantum Engineering (PIQUE), that employs strong parametric interactions for both dissipative and unitary control of quantum systems.

Emery presented a poster on time-dependent control of engineered dissipation at the recently concluded Gordon Research Conference on quantum control.

JUNE 2019

New paper on classical to quantum crossover in Kerr oscillators

Our new preprint, showing how switching between bistable states in driven-dissipative Kerr oscillators can provide a means to probe classical to quantum transition, is posted on arXiv. This work was done in collaboration with theorists at USherbrooke, Canada and ETH Zurich, with experiments performed in Michel Devoret's group at Yale.

MAY 2019

New undergraduate interns

Manabputra from NISER, India and Mickey, a UML Physics major, join the group as undergraduate interns. Welcome.

MAY 2019

UML Student Research Symposium 2019

Alvin, Emery and Red presented posters on their research at UML's Annual Student Research Symposium. 

APRIL 2019

New DOE grants

UML newsroom did a featured story on the recent grants awarded by the U.S. Department of Energy to QUEST group. You can read it here.

External media coverage: EurekaAlert, Lowell Sun, The Wire News

APRIL 2019

QUEST welcomes a new member

Zhihao Xiao joins the QUEST as the first postdoctoral associate in the group. Before moving to UML, he completed his Ph.D. in multimode quantum and classical diffraction theory with Prof. Jonathan Dowling at Louisiana State University. Welcome Zhihao! 

MARCH 2019


QUEST group had an eventful tuesday at the APS March Meeting 2019, held in Boston this year. Graduate students Emery and Alvin gave contributed talks on 

Parametrically-mediated dissipative entanglement generation:, and

Ground state cooling in the strong-coupling regime:

while Archana chaired the DQI focus session on Qubit Readout and Open Systems:


New members join the QUEST

Graduate student Tristan Brown, and undergraduate student Andrew Keefe join the group. Welcome! 


New paper on parametrically-induced entanglement stabilization

JUNE 2020 Update: Exact Bell-state stabilization protocol gets published in Physical Review Research. 

Check it out here.

Our new paper, led by graduate student Emery Doucet, is available on arxiv. This work was done in collaboration with theorists at Harvard University and Raytheon-BBN Technologies. You can read the preprint here.

 JULY 2018 

Archana has been included as a visionary in the TR 35 under 35 list of global innovators, for her research on nonreciprocal quantum information transfer and detection. The full list of innovators can be found on TR35 website.  

Press releases: TechReview, UMass Lowell, Eureka Alert, MITAlum

For a nice non-technical description of the research recognized by Tech Review, please see this news article that appeared in Lowell Sun.

JUNE 2018 

QUEST group welcomes new undergraduate intern

Undergraduate student William Wehring joins the group starting summer 2018. Welcome Billy!

MAY 2018 

New member joins the QUEST!

Graduate student Emery Doucet officially joins the team, close on the heels of winning Outstanding First Year Graduate Student award of the Physics department. Congratulations Emery.  And welcome! 

MARCH 2018 

Nonreciprocity @APS-MM 2018

Archana will be chairing the DQI focus session on nonreciprocal superconducting devices at the APS March Meeting 2018. Looking forward to this great lineup of talks!

AUGUST 2017 

Quantum mechanics for early universe, see our new preprint!

Our preprint on developing open quantum systems approach to understanding early universe appears on arxiv. This work was done in collaboration with our cosmologist friends --- Prof. Sarah Shandera at Penn State and Prof. Nishant Agarwal at UML, and focuses on capturing the effect of entanglement of observable universe with what's outside the observable horizon during cosmic inflation (epoch of exponential expansion of primordial universe). 

MAY 2017

QUEST group welcomes new members

We are delighted to welcome graduate students Chung (Alvin) Kow and David Campbell who are joining the QUEST starting summer 2017, and  a new summer intern Vishnu Chavva who is currently a physics major at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. 

MARCH 2017 

Nonreciprocal amplification paper published in Physical Review Applied

Our paper on implementing directional/nonreciprocal amplification using minimal resources got published in Physical Review Applied. Enclosed is the mini-blurb accompanying the paper at Phys Rev Applied website.

Detection of weak signals in the quantum regime and their high-efficiency readout are critical aspects of quantum information processing. Current measurement protocols rely on a combination of high-efficiency amplifiers and signal-routing devices such as circulators and isolators --- however, the latter being bulky and noisy elements are incompatible with the need for a scalable quantum architecture. In this work, we present minimal hard-efficient schemes to design nonreciprocal quantum-limited amplifiers that enable simultaneous routing and amplification of signals. Our proposed directional amplifiers can lead to significant simplifications of measurement chains, especially relevant in the face of increasingly complex multi-qubit experiments.


Quasiparticle pumping paper published in Science

Our paper on quasiparticle pumping for suppressing qubit relaxation got published in the journal Science. You can also see the accompanying press release by Julich Reseacrh Center (Germany) for an accessible summary of this work.


High coherence flux qubit in Nature Communications

Paper on capacitively-shunted flux qubits, with collaborators at MIT and MIT Lincoln Laboratory, published in Nature Communications. Read the full paper here (open access!).

AUGUST 2016 

Get Set Go! 

I have joined Kennedy College of Sciences at University of Massachusetts Lowell, as an assistant professor in Physics starting Fall 2016.