General Physics II


COURSE NUMBER: PHYS 1040 (Sections: 210, 211, 212)


Section Instructor: ARCHANA KAMAL

Primary Instructor: Dr. Cecil Joseph

Meeting Times:

Monday/Wednesday, 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.

Tuesday/Thursday, 10 a.m. - 11 a.m.

Office Hours: Monday/Tuesday, 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Recitation Grading Scheme:

  • Written Homeworks -10%

  • Team Research Challenge -10%

Course Description: Electricity, Magnetism, Light, Optics, Quantum theory, Nuclear and Particle Physics (Giancoli Chapters 16-32). The course covers all the physics topics listed in the MCAT requirements.

Course Textbook: Physics: Principles with Applications by Giancoli (Vol. II), 7th edition.

The students can have online access to the text, as well as online homeworks through Pearson's Mastering Physics portal.

Section Policy: The recitations will be held twice a week. The students are expected to hand-in written versions of the online homeworks, complete will all the steps and calculations.

Homeworks will determine 20% of the final grade, with 10% evaluated from Mastering Physics homework +10% evaluated from written homework handed in during the recitation.

Homework Policy: The written homeworks will be graded on a scale of 1-5, and should be submitted during the recitation immediately following the deadline for the respective online homework submission.

In case you a student does not submit in the homework on the due date, their grade will be penalized as per the following rules:

  • Submit homework during the next section: 25% credit (or 75% penalty)

  • No submission/submit later than the next section: 0% credit (or 100% penalty)

Exceptions to this policy will be considered only in rare cases involving (i) delays due to an unforeseen emergency (complete with a written proof of the situation involved) or (ii) prior permission from the instructor.

Team Research Challenge: Students will work in teams of 4, and research a piece of technology that relies on applications of the concepts covered in the course. The team will put together a presentation based on their research during the recitation (using at least one slide/person and/or 2 minutes/person).