Other Adventures

Running and Triathlon: I've always loved the outdoors, but since moving to California and meeting Lon Freeman I've really delved into triathlon and running. I've found that running and racing has been a huge help in gaining confidence in my teaching and research.

Lon and I have a coaching website, aerobicmonster.com. As an example of what we've done: when I first started doing triathlons, Lon helped me put together a "How-To" sheet for Olympic distance triathlon racing. It's been my recipe ever since and has helped a few other people feel more comfortable about how to go about race day. If you're interested, download it by clicking here.

Hiking: I grew up in Maine and moving out to California required exploration of the state. One fantastic adventure was a 10-day trip in August 2007 covering most of the John Muir Trail with Lon.

Other: My mom, Jan, is a calligrapher and book artist and you can see some of her work on her website. I think her genes make me get very excited when I create nice figures to accompany my writing.