Conference presentations


Meeting of the PPE Society (New Orleans)

Formal Ethics (Vanderbilt University)

Workshop on Epistemic Diversity (University of Illinois at Chicago)


Meeting of the PPE Society (New Orleans)

Formal Ethics (University of Ghent)

Workshop in Honour of Peter Vanderschraaf's Strategic Justice (Chapman University)


Method and Political Theory (University of Tokyo)

Meeting of the PPE Society (New Orleans)

Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association (Seattle)


Meeting of the PPE Society (New Orleans)

Workshop on Experimental Methods in Social and Political Philosophy (ANU)

Economics and Philosophy Workshop (ANU)


Formal epistemology workshop (Groningen)

Decisions, games and logic (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)

Games, interactive rationality, learning and semantics (University of Lund)

Biennial meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association (Atlanta)

Philosophy of biology at Madison (University of Wisconsin, Madison)


Formal ethics (University of Bayreuth)

International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology (Montreal)

Evolutionary approaches to moral behaviour (Monash)

Rationality, agency and responsibility in social groups (Center for Public Philosophy and Ethics, Charles Sturt University)


Formal epistemology workshop (UCLA)

Society for exact philosophy (Cal Tech)

Biennial meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association (Chicago)

Australasian Association of Philosophy NZ (Christchurch)

Australasian Association of Philosophy (ANU)

Games, interactive rationality, learning and semantics (University of Lund)

Annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Religion, Economics and Culture (Chapman University)

Understanding epistemic injustice (Bristols)


Choosing the future of science: the social organization of scientific inquiry (Center for the Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh)

International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology (Montpellier)

Games, interactive rationality, learning and semantics (University of Lund)


Formal Ethics (Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, LMU)

"California Philosopher"