JUNKO KOMA Mime artist

She began classical ballet and piano at the age of 3 years.

Studied Clown, Mime, Tap dancing at Ringling Brothers and Barnum& Bailey Clown College in Japan and graduated from the college.

Won the grand prix of street performance in the professional category in Kobe.

Went abroad to study and perform in New York City, Saint Louis and Ohio.

Has extensive experience in teaching ballet and performing on stage and street in Japan.

In Japan, took classes with Terry Press who is the leading person of mime art and JIDAI who is mime artist teaches "Organic Mime".

In USA, received scholarship from “The School for Mime Theatre” .

In Poland, learned mime from the prominent mime artist Stefan Niedzialkowski to establish her mime.

Today she lives in Poland and she is a member of “MIME ART THEATRE Stefan Niedzialkowski” and has performed several times including leading parts of his works in art events. She vice president of Japan Art Mime Society inTokyo.

She directed a performance based on“The tree saw everything ~Japanese doll in Pawiak” in collaboration with piano and performed it with Chiho Sakamoto (Pianist) on the 40th anniversary of the Museum of the prison Pawiak.

Part of this performance and true story was shown in public television “TVP 3” in Poland.

She did at tour in Japan.