Art of Mime

Today people no longer feel satisfaction from understanding simply what actors are doing in mime performance and many kinds of mime styles exist all over the world, my origin of mime comes from Stefan Niedzialkowski.

Today he works in Warsaw but in the past he founded a school of mime art in New York City (Manhattan), published a book in the USA, and was frequently invited by Marcel Marceau to teach at his famous Ecole Internationale de Mimodrame de Paris Marcel Marceau as well as he performing in various countries.

In his early days, he was one of the top performers in “Wroclaw Pantomime Theatre” which was directed by Henryk Tomaszewski. He created a theatre, an art form, through which he was able to show more than was possible with dance or words and which had little to do with Italian or French styles of mime.

What is characteristic of our mime is that it expresses fantasy, emotion and feelings, the essence of things and the universal truth without using words.

This is not just acting without words, it expresses values or thoughts which exist beyond words and portray feelings which come before words.

Subjects are shown through archetypes, which demonstrate the essence of things and the power of nature, things that are universal for all beings.

Mime has the ability to reach the hearts of spectators because, through the body, it presents the state of existence of a human, his/her feelings and emotions.

A mime becomes universal abandoning their own personality. The spectator is aware of his/her

feelings and relate to the performer because of their own life experience.

Mime allows us to look inside our souls.