I am an assistant professor of Economics at the School of Digital Humanities and Computational Social Sciences at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology since the fall of 2023. 


Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Global Working Group (ECI). Member, 2019-present. 

Global Labor Organization. Fellow, 2021-present.

Institute of Labor Economics (IZA). Research affiliate, 2022-present.

Past affiliations:

Assistant professor of Economics at Institute for Economic and Social Research at Jinan University, 2019--2023

Research Associate at the Center for the Economics of Human Development at The University of Chicago.


Ph.D. in Economics at The University of Chicago, 2019.

Advisor: James J. Heckman

B.A. in Economics at University of California at Berkeley, 2009.

Interests: Applied Microeconomics, Labor Economics, fertility, childcare, education, gender. 

Email: kimjunhyung at kaist dot ac dot kr

See my Research here

See my Curriculum Vitae here

See my Teaching Activities here


Publications in English

2018.10. Parent-child interaction and Child Outcomes: Evidence from a Randomized Intervention,  with Wolfgang Schulz, Tanja Zimmermann and Kurt Hahlweg. Labour Economics. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.labeco.2018.08.003

Highlight: Randomized parenting intervention that improves parents' discipline strategies (parenting style) for their children in early childhood improves the children's behavioral outcomes in early adolescence. Parenting styles (harsh discipline, positive discipline) have causal effects on child outcomes. 

2021.08. Early childhood parenting and adolescent bullying behavior: Evidence from a randomized intervention at ten-year follow-up, with Kurt Hahlweg and Wolfgang Schulz. Social Science & Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.114114

Highlight: Randomized parenting intervention that improves parents' discipline strategies (parenting style) for their children in early childhood makes the children less likely to bully their peers in early adolescence. Bullying seems distinct from other problematic behaviors. 

2022.02. Home-Tutoring Services Assisted with Technology: Investigating the Role of Artificial Intelligence Using a Randomized Field Experiment, with Minki Kim, Do Won Kwak and Sol Lee. Journal of Marketing Research. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F00222437211050351

Highlight: AI-based assistance to tutors (service providers), providing them with analyses and guidance on tutoring their students, improves students' outcomes (service outcomes). Not all tutor adopt the assistance technology, and those who eagerly adopt do not always benefit more. 

2022.05. Parental factors and children’s screen time during the COVID-19 pandemic in South Korea, with Won Kay Kim and Yu Kyung Koh. Child Psychiatry & Human Development. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10578-022-01366-z

Highlight: Children's screen time during the COVID-19 pandemic is positively associated with parents' depression, parents' lack of self-care, family conflict, and parents' fear of the pandemic. Whereas previous literature primarily focused on the effects of parenting behavior, we find important roles played by complex family factors in determining children's screen time. 

2023.02. Impacts of the COVID-19 Crisis on Single-Person Households in South Korea, with Haeil Jung and Gihyeon Hong. Journal of Asian Economics. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asieco.2022.101557

Highlight: Consumption of single-person households, especially in 50--65 age group and in spending related to formal and informal insurance mechanisms, was negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Single-person household is highlighted as a growing demographic group that is particularly vulnerable to economic shocks because of their limited access to informal insurance.

2023.03. Mental Health Consequences of Working from Home during the Pandemic, with Yu Kyung Koh and Jinseong Park. Global Economic Review. https://doi.org/10.1080/1226508X.2023.2181845

Highlight: Workers working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic were more likely to experience loneliness, lethargy, and sadness, especially if they were also responsible for housework, but not if they lived with children.  We suggest work-family facilitation as a potential explanation. 

2023.06. Birth order effects and parenting behaviors, with Shaoda Wang. China Economic Review. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chieco.2023.101950 

Covered in a blog Camphor Economist Cycle" (香樟经济学术圈)


Publications in Korean

2021.09. 가정환경, 학교환경, 학생행동요소가 학업 성취에 미치는 영향: 요소간 보완성과 대체성을 중심으로. 노동경제논집. Effect of Home Environment, School Environment, and Student Behavior on Academic Achievement. Korean Journal of Labor Economics. September 2021. KCI link. Online Appendix. Download.

Highlight: CES skill production function is estimated using panel data following students through middle and high school, finding greater elasticity of substitution for the earlier period. For under-achieving students, own effort dominates household income and school quality as the key input. 

Book Chapters

2023. "Review and Case Study: Improving early childhood parenting as a strategy to reduce adolescent bullying." Book chapter for The Handbook of Anger, Aggression, and Violence: Causes, Pathology and Treatments (Springer Nature). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-98711-4_158-1


Bullying starts in early childhood, and parents play an important role in shaping problematic behaviors of children. Improving parenting in early childhood, therefore, may be an effective strategy to reduce children’s bullying aggression in the long term. Few bullying prevention programs target the early childhood period, however. This chapter presents the effects of Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) on children’s bullying aggression at 10-year follow-up. Parents of young children received education and training on children’s development, positive parenting, and discipline strategies in a randomized, universal, group-based parent training intervention. Unlike earlier studies that showed that parenting intervention could reduce early childhood bullying, the current study examined bullying aggression during adolescence, when children were 10–14 years old. The results show lower levels of physical bullying reported by children, primarily boys, whose parents received Triple P training. Verbal bullying and victimization were unaffected. These findings suggest that early childhood parenting intervention can reduce adolescent bullying aggression.

Working Papers

Effects of Childhood Peers on Personality Skills, with Shuaizhang Feng and Zhe Yang. Accepted at Journal of Labor Economics

Highlight: We find peer effects on personality skills of primary school children, showing that peers are inputs in childhood noncognitive skill development. Children's characteristics that determine their own personality skill development determine their peers' personality skills but not their academic achievement, suggesting that peer effects may be skill-specific.

Medical Marijuana Legalization and Parenting Behaviors: An Analysis of the Time Use of Parents, with Cynthia BansakAccepted at Journal of Applied Econometrics. 

Highlight: We show that parents in the US spend more time taking care of their children when they have legal access to medical marijuana. We provide  suggestive evidence that the parents who benefited used marijuana for medical purposes as intended rather than engaging in marijuana abuse. 

Effects of Temperature Exposures on Early Childhood Cognitive Development and Home Environment, with Wenjie Wu, Zhe Yang, and Ai Yue.  IZA DP No. 16017

Highlight: Exposure to ambient cold temperature during the first year after birth has negative effects on children's cognitive development observed at ages 3--5 (but not before). Caregivers do not mitigate these impacts but channel/amplify it instead by decreasing  caregiver-child interactions and material investments into home environment. 

Parenting During the Pandemic: An Analysis of the Time Use of Parents as K-12 Schools Reopened in the United States, with Yue Bao and Cynthia Bansak

Highlight: School reopening in the fall of 2020 in the US had heterogeneous impacts on the time allocation of parents, widening the existing socioeconomic gap among households. Hybrid or in-person reopening was disruptive to all households while online reopening was disruptive only to low-SES households.  

Who Benefits from Single-Sex Schooling? Evidence on Mental Health, Peer Relationships, and Academic Achievement, with Do Won Kwak and Dain Jung

Highlight: Single-sex schooling can improve students' outcomes only if the students do not face intense competitive pressure for academic performance. Because of this, single-sex schooling effects may be negative for some female students even though the effects are positive on average.

The Inheritance of Historical Trauma: Intergenerational Effects of Early-Life Exposure to Famine on Mental Health , with Zihan Zhang. IZA DP No. 16385. IZA World of Labor Opinions Post.

Highlight: Parents' exposure to the Great Famine of China in childhood negative impacts the adult mental health of their children. The effects are concentrated in exposures during ages 0--2 and 3--7, the first two stages of Jean Piaget's cognitive development model.

Association between COVID-19 Risk Perception and Economic Expectation during the Pandemic in South Korea, with Won Mo Jang, Jong Jae Lee, Duk Hyeon Jang, and Jin Hwan Kim.

Unintended Consequences of Family Planning Policies on the Breastfeeding Gap Between Sons and Daughters, with Minhee Chae, Yong Cai, and William Lavely. IZA DP No. 16190.  

An effective Chinese family planning policy called "Later, Longer, and Fewer" widened gender gap in breastfeeding duration. Parents affected by the policy engaged in son-biased fertility stopping, skewing the gender ratio among the last-born in the family who receive longer breastfeeding than the earlier-born children regardless of gender.

Works in Progress

Prosocial Vaccination, with Bakhtawar Ali, Syngjoo Choi, and Avner Seror. https://doi.org/10.1257/rct.8035-1.0. Download.

Highlight: We show that people are strongly motivated by loss aversion in prosocial motives in the context of vaccination decisions, as measured by both intentions to vaccinate and vaccine take-up. We calibrate prosocial loss aversion parameter to be around 2. 

Parental Migration, Parenting, and Children’s Skill Development, with Shuaizhang Feng, James J. Heckman, Yujie Han, and Sen Xue.


Parental Time Inputs and Household Income in the Human Capital Production of Children, with Shuaizhang Feng, James Heckman, and Zhe Yang.

The Economics of Parenting Skill and Child Development, (undergoing revision) with Jong Jae Lee and Ji-Liang Shiu. Download.

Highlight: Parents' choice of discipline (parenting style; positive vs. harsh discipline) is driven by their ability to communicate their message to their children through discipline (parenting skill). Positive discipline is more consistent, easier for children to understand, but more difficult for parents to implement. Parenting skill is found to be an important determinant of achievement gap of children across household SES.

Do Long Working Hours of Men Affect Women's Labor Force Participation? Evidence from Korea with with Bun Song Lee and Hoolda Kim. 


Curriculum Vitae



Spring 2024, Probability and Statistics for Humanities and Social Sciences, KAIST DHCSS

Fall 2023, Econometrics for Causal Analysis, KAIST DHCSS

Fall 2023, Microeconomics and Price Theory, KAIST DHCSS

Spring 2023, English Writing, Jinan University IESR

Fall 2022, Labor Economics Seminar, Jinan University IESR

Fall 2021, Labor Economics Seminar, Jinan University IESR

Fall 2020, Labor Economics Seminar, Jinan University IESR

Spring, 2019 Econometrics A, The University of Chicago, College Lecturer

Spring, 2019 Econometrics A Honors, The University of Chicago, College Lecturer

Spring, 2018 Econometrics A, The University of Chicago, College Lecturer 

Fall, 2018 Econometrics A, The University of Chicago, College Lecturer 

Teaching Evaluation

Teaching Assistant for undergraduate courses in Public Policy, Public Economics, Intermediate Microeconomics, Labor Economics.