I teach topics related to #Management, #Leadership, and #OrganizationTheory in the Master of Science, MBA, and PhD programs at HEC Paris.
People and Business Performance (MBA, Advanced Management Track)
Performance, performance, performance! The performance imperative is everywhere in organizations. At all levels, individuals, teams, divisions, and firms compete with one another and achieving high performance is key to winning the game. But what does it mean to perform in a world of sustainable growth, rapid innovation, digital disruption, and global crises? What are the levers of individual and team performance in modern fast-changing and complex business environments? Who should evaluate performance? How? And when? What does it take to build, lead and sustain high-performing organizations? None of these questions has an easy, ready-made answer. Together, we will take a step back, examine business cases, discuss the nature and implications of the performance imperative in modern organizations, and explore the key drivers of individual, team, and organizational performance. [2020 Syllabus]
Leading Organizations (MSc/Grande Ecole Program)
In this course, we explore three different perspectives on organizations that will help you understand issues involved in both managing and being managed at work. We all develop our own understanding of what organizations are and how to act effectively as organizational members. But our understanding is often limited by our current position, functional area, or individual interactions and experiences with other organizational members. A narrow view can lead to costly misunderstandings and damaging managerial decisions. In this class, we seek to enhance your understanding by studying the human aspects of organizations. More specifically, we look at organizations through the lenses of design, power, and culture. Each lens provides explanations of why some organizations flourish whereas others collapse, and why people within organizations behave the way they do. We will discuss the managerial implications of each lens and provide you with the skills and tools to thoroughly diagnose organizational problems and to tackle them with the appropriate actions.
Social Evaluations (PhD Program)
The research seminar offers an introduction to some of the contemporary discussions in organization theory (OT), management and strategy – as well as related disciplines, including sociology – that examine the interplay between organizations and broader society, and explore i) how organizations are evaluated by a variety of stakeholders and ii) how the conduct and performance of organizations are affected by these evaluations. The seminar is targeted at first- or second-year PhD students with interest in OT and strategy.
In previous years, I developed and taught a course on the Global Movie Industry (not offered this year, information on request).