
Good Bye to School

End of school, R.D Women's and B.J.B--- years of fun and excitement. When my mother let me go out with girl friends to see movies. When we skipped English lectures on rainy September afternoons to ride a rickshaw to Keshari Talkies to see "Betaab" and swooned over Sunny Deol (Check this).

Come to think of it, Dharmendra's genes stuck!

Sometime du(ring this excitement of being young, my second sister got married (Look at her smile) and there was more reason for celebration at home with a second new "American guy" being added to the Acharya family.

All this euphoria was enhanced a thousand times by the western clothes my sisters flooded me with. There were suitcases full of skirts, shirts, belts, shoes, eye makeup and lipsticks that came in almost every winter with instructions from my loving brothers in law on how to match clothes with accessories! These new men in my life adored me and I loved them to death. It was actually heaven on earth. I have never been as happy, free and proud in life.

During these years, three cuddly and precious nephews were born and I finally raised my status from being the youngest child in the family to the most loved aunt. Amrut was everyone's darling (Amrut with Nana), Pratik was adorable (Already in Grammy's!) and Manish was a slim and handsome baby (Manish Warrior).

All my friends knew each one of my sisters to their very own secrets, they knew each one of my brothers in law to their very own after shave lotions and they knew each one of those nephews to their very first gurgles. I stole away precious Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Hershey's Kisses to college to share the newly discovered United States with my friends.

1983 Ahalya and me, St Joseph's High School. Front of Physics Lab.

Sunita, Sneha, Sikta and me. BJB College, 1987

1982 School Annual Drama: Ahalya, myself, Anita, Sukanya, Sister Andre, Nilima, Yashashree and Bilkish (?)

Standing: Myself, Sikta, Sunita, Sneha. Sitting: Priyabrata, ? , Alok. BJB College 1987

RD Women's College, 1985. I am standing in the center.

Christened into wearing a salwar kameez, RD Women's college, 1983. All rounder cup from school.

BJB College 1986, Chem Hons students, outside Chem Dept.

Utkala Dibas, 1984. Receiving 1st prize in Intercollege Elocution Competetion from Gov Vishwambar Nath Pandey's wife. "Buxi Jagabandhu Bidyadhar" (British Occupation of Orissa and Paika rebellion). My first lines, thanks to Nana's skills at public speaking were: "the jail doors of Hazaribaag were flung open and the lion let loose from its cage...."

This page is created and maintained by Julie Acharya Ray