Teaching & Supervision


I have supervised more than a hundred Bachelor and Master theses (in comparative politics, policy analysis, public policy, political economy, and political theory) at the University of Konstanz, the University of Zurich, and the Goethe University Frankfurt. Topics included, for example, education, social, health, migration, and environmental policies; wage and health inequality; party competition; political participation and engagement; and critical and democratic theory. My students use a variety of methodological tools (quantitative, qualitative, experimental, multi-methods).  

Current doctoral supervisees

Former doctoral students

As external supervisor/examiner

Courses taught at Goethe University Frankfurt (since 2020)

Courses taught in Konstanz and Zurich (2011-2019)

Teaching portfolio (Selection of topics) 

Welfare state research, social policy, global social policy, public policy, inequality (measurement and analysis of causes and consequences of different kinds of inequalities), (comparative) political economy, comparative politics, comparative political institutions, party politics, public opinion, education policy, social investment, applied methods (quantitative, qualitative, multi-method), democratic theory, representation and responsiveness, political theory.

Didactical training

I am constantly seeking to improve my teaching skills and experience and seeing how students learn better better in activation-centered and participatory environments gives me pleasure and joy. At the University of Konstanz I have participated in several didactical courses (about 60 hours of training so far) as part of the Higher Education Didactics Certificate Baden-Württemberg.

Academic director

I am the co-founder and academic director of a new study program at Goethe University Frankfurt: The MA "Comparative Democracy". The program is a research-focused, internationally oriented program, fully taught in English.