
I am Professor of Political Science at Goethe University Frankfurt

I am a comparativist. My research lies at the intersection of comparative political economy, public policy, and political sociology. Most of my recent work focuses on welfare state research, education and social investment policy, party politics, and public opinion. More recently I am also stretching out to public administration research, trying to understand the role of ministries (of finance) for policy-making. While I was trained with a focus on the rich, established democracies, my research covers countries around the globe. 

I hold a PhD from the University of Konstanz. Before joining Frankfurt, I was Senior Researcher at the University of Zurich, Visiting Scholar at Harvard University, Duke University, and at Rutgers, as well as a Max Weber Fellow at the EUI, Florence.

I am extremely excited that I was recently awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant (2 million Euros) for my project "The Politics of the Latent Educational Cleavage" (POLEDUC)! More information to follow soon.

I have published five books:

Articles have appeared in Acta Sociologica, Comparative Political Studies (CPS), the European Journal of Political Research (EJPR), in the European Sociological Review (ESR), the Journal of European Social Policy (JESP), Governance, the Journal of European Public Policy (JEPP), the Journal of Legislative Studies (JLS), the Journal of Social Policy (JSP), Political Science Quarterly (PSQ), Political Science Research & Methods (PSRM), PS: Political Science and Politics (PS), Social Policy & Administration (SPA), and in West European Politics (WEP).

A paper on the Power of Oppositions was awarded the Swiss Political Science Association's (SVPW-ASSP) Best Paper Prize.

I co-chair the CES' Political Economy and Welfare Research Network and the Politics of Education Network (PEN) and am a Board Member of RC19, the Research Committee on Poverty, Social Welfare, and Social Policy. Moreover, I am Co-Director (with Daniela Grunow) of InFER, the Institute for Empirical-Analytical Research, a leading social science institute based at Goethe University Frankfurt. I'm also the Academic Director of the Master program in Comparative Democracy.