Macro Dashboards

Macroeconomic Dashboards for Developing Eastern Europe and Asia

Key macroeconomic data covering 36 East-European and Asian economies for the last 10 years. First dashboard on GDP. Second dashboard on the external sector.

GDP Dashboard – constant $ GDP, (ii) GDP growth, (iii) constant $ GDP per capita, (iv) current international $ GDP per capita (PPP), (v) GDP growth contributions (demand and output side), (vi) share of natural resources rent in GDP, and (vii) breakdown of the natural resources rent across resources.

External Sector Dashboard – (i) current account balance, (ii) current account breakdown across components, (iii) share of remittances and tourism in GDP, (iv) breakdown of exports and imports across key products, and (v) breakdown of exports and imports across key partners.

Sources – World Development Indicators (World Bank) and BACI database (CEPII)

Central and West Asia

Oil exporters

Oil importers

Southeast Asia

East Asia

Non-EU Eastern Europe

Non-EU Balkans