
20 bushes gave 116 spikes. Out of 116 spikes 11 were empty, so 105 spikes gave grains. 82% of the emty spikes were between 3-7 cm long. 20 bushes gave 2901 grains, in average 1 grain gave 145 grains back. One spike gave in general 27,6 grains (calculated only those 105 which gave grains). In spring 2010 my sheep got unfortunately into my garden and ate part of 9 spikes. Some grains fall off the spike before the harvest.

Small scale cultivation of slash-and-burn ray have been taken since 2005 at Kiltsi meadow but in the beginning I had only 3-7 bushes and got no or very small yield. Midsummer 2009 I sow 20 plants and the yield result was good in autumn 2010. Another small scale trial was carried out in a garden in Tallinn at Mulla street. Out of 4 bushes 3 died during the winter 2009-2010. The one bush that was left gave no yield.


Compared with results in Mustiala I should have 58 gr.

23.6.2012 Midsummer I sow the rye. Nearly nothing was growing as it was raining and raining. Only three bushed grew. Later in August I saw one more but as it has been raining the whole autumn, nearly every day I cannot see that there are any that grow.