Judith Henjes
Dr phil, MSc, Cert HE
Registered and Accredited Psychotherapist and Counsellor
We all need others, and this is rooted in our nature as humans. We are naturally drawn to form relationships and most of us will enter into a committed, intimate relationship at least once in our lives. Such relationships are often immensely meaningful and can bring us great happiness. Naturally, we also suffer when our important relationships run into trouble.
When one or both partners realise that something about their special relationship has become a problem, couples therapy can help. Speaking to an outsider is often a useful way to understand more about what is going on. I provide a space where both of you can consider and say what you want to change about your relationship. In the sessions, we will look at what is going on between you and explore how to improve things.
Couples therapy
Integrative couples therapy differs from Integrative therapy for individuals. Here, the focus is on the relationship, and you are both involved in working towards change. As part of moving forward, we will look together at how you communicate and interact with each other. We will also talk about your past and current experiences and explore possible connections. Once you understand better what is happening between you, it becomes easier to make changes. In this process, I aim to contribute helpful questions and thoughts. Of course, it is always up to you as a couple and as individuals what you wish to do.
While one-to-one therapy is usually weekly, this is not always possible with couples, especially when both partners work. Therefore, I tend to meet fortnightly with couples. Between sessions, you have time to reflect on what we talked about, discuss things between yourselves, and try out new ways of relating. The sessions themselves are longer to ensure that each partner can express themselves as fully as possible and be heard in good time.
Please note that there are some problems that require specialised help. For example, I cannot work with you if your difficulty is to do with having adopted or wishing to adopt; domestic violence; or compulsive sexual behaviours, also called sex or porn addiction. However, I can refer you on to relevant services.