Working Papers

Student Aid Design, Academic Achievement, and Labor Market Behavior: Grants or Loans?(with Elena Mattana)  [Online Appendix]  Revision requested by the Journal of Political Economy

Using a Field Experiment to Understand Skill Formation During Adolescence (with John A. List, Anya Samek, and Haruka Uchida)   [AFE2020 short presentation video]

Complementarities in High School and College Investments (with John Eric Humphries and Gregory F. Veramendi) 

“College Major Choice: Sorting and Differential Returns to Skills” (with John Eric Humphries and Gregory F. Veramendi)

The Labor Market Returns to Delaying Pregnancy (with Yana Gallen, Eva Rye Johansen, and Gregory F. Veramendi)   Dissemination: [BFI Research Brief]

“Gender Convergence in Education Choice: The Role of Institutions and Peers” (with Helena Skyt Nielsen)

“Rethinking Education Choice: The Effect of Surveys” (with Luca Facchinello and Gregory F. Veramendi)