Application for Individual Membership

JSMS is now recruiting Individual members! All secondary schools students of Hong Kong are eligible.

Highlights for Individual Members include:

(1) Support in Mathematics, 

-by our experienced math coordinators

(2)Discounts in activities

- Including ISMC, Day camp and Mock Paper

(3)Access to Activities exclusive to individual members and students of member school

-Including Mathematics Quiz and Bimonthly Competition

(4) Newsletter

Individual Members will also receive copies of newsletter

You may registration by filling in the following form.

For more details , please refer to below or to the information in the form

(1) Support in Mathematics

As an individual member, you may ask HKJSMS any problems you encountered in Mathematics. This includes DSE level math, Local Mathematics Contests. We will also try our best to answer questions of university level or International Mathematics Contests ( such as International Mathematics Olympiads).However , we simply can not guarantee an answer in the last two. In most cases , we response with a complete solution and stating the rough motivation to solve the enquired problems. Responses will be given within 3 school days.

Quality Assurance - We promise that our math coordinators and sub-committee are very experienced in mathematics ( judging from secondary school perspective). In the 28th HKJSMS, five have represented Hong Kong in different regional competitions , and three have represented Hong Kong in the most prestigious secondary school mathematics competition - International Mathematics Olympiad. This shows a very strong understanding in mathematics and undoubtably capable of responding to your enquiries.

* To ensure fairness, there can be up to 20 cases for each individual member for this membership year.

(2)Discounts in activities, including ISMC, Mock Paper and day camp

All individual members may participate in our activities , including ISMC, Mock Paper and day camp, at a discounted rate. 

Here is a brief overview of these activities:

1. Inter-School Mathematics Contest (ISMC)

ISMC is the featured activity in every year of JSMS. ISMC is an open , competitive, Mathematics Contest for secondary school students. Students compete in form of written questions. Through ISMC, participants have opportunities to refine their problem solving skills and demonstrate understanding of different topics of mathematics. It is also a good opportunity to prove one's ability in mathematics.

2.HKDSE Mock Paper

The mock paper features a written exercise in accordance with HKDSE Mathematics (Core). Participants can take this chance to practise for their upcoming DSE. The paper is set by us and marking services will also be provided.

3. Day camp

This is a fun activity organised in August. The day camp features a range of engaging and interesting activities , including City tracing , different group games related to mathematics, and puzzle solving, as to arouse participants' interest in mathematics and cultivate friendships among participants.

(3) Access to our activities exclusive to individual members and students of member schools

HKJSMS will organise two activities exclusive to individual members and students of member schools.

1. Bimonthly Competition

Bimonthly competition is a small scaled competition held once every two month. Instead of what may be typical seen in mathematics contests, each bimonthly competition features a very distinct theme. Through the settings of questions, participants will be guided to discover different concepts and ideas of the theme, and proving various results of the topic. Through this act of discovering different ideas while being guided, participants can learn the appealing aspects of mathematics.

2. Mathematics Quiz

The quiz is a competitive, fast-paced activity held in April. Contestants will be asked about different facts about Mathematics, including what students have learnt in secondary school curriculum. Typically the contestant responses the quickest scores. This activity provides a very unique experience that we are sure students are interested in.

Members will also receive copies of the newsletter, which includes several thought-provoking mathematics articles, and also random facts in mathematics.