Short Stories

Bearing Witness: a man has a compelling need to see another man to his death.

This short story won fifth place among thousands of entries in the 75th Writer's Digest Annual Writing Competition in the Literary/Mainstream category. J. Alan has adapted it into a short screenplay.

A Tasty Bit O' Tail: to survive, a marooned man must choose between his faithful canine companion and a woman newly washed ashore.

Ashes: a man negotiates with the Devil for fame and fortune, and is awarded an ironic vocation.

Death Candy: a dot com company goes into a death spiral.

Kenophobia: is about fear.

March to Oblivion: a family watches their mother become the recipient of a terminal prognosis.

Monster in the Corner: is about letting go of regrets and grudges.

Shapes in Clouds: is about moving on with the help of a child.

Short-Sighted: a man trains his seeing-eye dog to be his instrument of destruction.

The Family Shadow: is about a man who slips outside the boundaries and protection of his family.

The Last Embrace: a man devolves into homelessness, and just wants a hug.

The Score: instant Karma befalls a pickpocket.

Under Glass: what happens when a town is partially demolished to make room for a mall.