
Joshua W. Elliott

Research Scientist and Fellow

University of Chicago and ANL Computation Institute

Center for Robust Decision-making in Climate and Energy Policy (RDCEP)

5735 S. Ellis Ave. Chicago, IL 60637

Links: SSRN papers; Google Scholar, FigShare profile

Adjunct Research Scientist

Columbia University Center for Climate Systems Research

NASA GISS; 2880 Broadway. NY, NY 10025; Rm 334

Tel: 212-678-5630

Areas of Interest:

* Climate change impacts and adaptation in agriculture and forestry

* Integrated assessment and economic modeling, primarily CGE and PE

* Land use cover and change modeling

* Large scale computation and ensemble simulation

I work on a variety of topics at the interface of global change, environmental, and social sciences through a variety of applied modeling and computational projects. I lead teams at the center for Robust Decision-making in Climate and Energy Policy (RDCEP) and in the Agricultural Modeling Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP; e.g. Ag-GRID). I currently run several projects designed to improve global change Vulnerability, Impact, and Adaptation (VIA) assessments and tools (primarily in agriculture and forestry) using large-scale high-resolution models enabled by high-performance computing. I also work on predictions of agricultural production at seasonal time scales, the effects of large-scale extreme events (such as droughts and heat waves), and with socio-economic modeling and scenario analysis in the context of integrated assessment models.

I received my PhD in high-energy theoretical particle physics from McGill University in 2008. I have been with the Computation Institute since Fall 2008.