Academic CV (before 2004)


March 2003: Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Physics at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC).

July 1999: Research Proficiency, USC.

February 1999: Master's Thesis.

Academic years 1997-99: Doctorate courses on Physics (Condensed Matter Physics program) at the Condensed Matter Physics Department, USC. Specialization (UNESCO codes): Solid State Physics: superconductors (2211.27), Electromagnetism: superconductivity (2202.11), Thermodynamics: low temperatures (2213.06).

Academic years 1993-97: Bachelor's Degree at the Faculty of Physics, USC. Material Science orientation.

July 1993: International Baccalaureate Diploma. I.B. Rosalía de Castro, Santiago de Compostela.


Self-heating effects on the transition to a highly dissipative state at high current density in superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-d thin films. J. Viña, M. T. González, M. Ruibal, S. R. Currás, J.A. Veira, J. Maza, F. Vidal. Phys. Rev. B, 68 224506 (2003).

Contribución al estudio del transporte eléctrico en capas delgadas de cupratos superconductores: corrientes supercríticas y paraconductividad. Ph.D. Thesis. José María Viña Rebolledo. Servicio de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. ISBN 84-9720-180-2, D.L. C-202-2003 (2003). cond-mat/0305712.

Normal-superconducting transition induced by high current densities in YBa2Cu3O7-d melt-textured samples and thin films: Similarities and differences. M.T. González, J. Viña, S.R. Currás, J. Maza, F. Vidal. Phys. Rev. B, 68 054514 (2003). cond-mat/0305020.

The in-plane paraconductivity in La2-xSrxCuO4 thin film superconductors at high reduced-temperatures: Independence of the normal-state pseudogap. S. R. Currás, M. T. González, M. V. Ramallo, M. Ruibal, J.A. Veira, J. Viña, P. Wagner, F. Vidal. (2002). To be published.

On the consequences of the uncertainty principle on the superconducting fluctuations well inside the normal state. F. Vidal, C. Carballeira, S. R. Currás, J. Mosqueira, M. V. Ramallo, J. A. Veira, J. Viña. Europhys. Lett., 59 754 (2002). cond-mat/0112486.

Universal behaviour of the in-plane paraconductivity of cuprate superconductors in the short-wavelength fluctuation regime. J. Viña, J.A. Campá, C. Carballeira, S.R. Currás, A. Maignan, M.V. Ramallo, I. Rasines, J.A. Veira, P. Wagner, F. Vidal. Phys. Rev. B, 65 212509 (2002).

Electric field versus current density curves in melt-textured samples of YBa2Cu3O7-d under currents well above the critical current. M.T. González, S. Vidal, J. Viña,M.R. Osorio, J. Maza, F. Vidal. Physica C, 372-376 1852 (2002).

Normal-state resistivity versus critical current in YBa2Cu3O7-d thin films at high current densities. S.R. Currás, J. Viña, M. Ruibal, M.T. González, M.R. Osorio, J. Maza, J.A. Veira, F. Vidal. Physica C, 372-376 1095 (2002).

Transition to the normal state of superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-d thin films induced by high current densities. S.R. Currás, P. Wagner, M. Ruibal, J. Viña, M.R. Osorio, M.T. González, J.A. Veira, J. Maza, F. Vidal. Supercond. Sci. Technol. 14, 748 (2001).

Paraconductivity at high-reduced-temperatures in YBa2Cu3O7-d. C. Carballeira, S. R. Currás, J. Viña, M. V. Ramallo, J. A. Veira and F. Vidal. Phys. Rev. B. 63, 144515 (2001).

Some experimental aspects of the thermal fluctuations around Tc in cuprate superconductors: Application to the "vortex matter". Félix Vidal, Carolina Torrón, Jose Viña and Jesús Mosqueira. Physica C, 332, 166-172 (2000).

Relaxation time of the Cooper pairs near Tc in cuprate superconductors. M.V. Ramallo, C. Carballeira, J. Viña, J.A. Veira, T. Mishonov, D. Pavuna and F. Vidal.Europhys. Lett. 48, 79-85 (1999).

Qué se puede y qué no se puede decir acerca de la paraconductividad en superconductores de alta temperatura. (What can and what cannot be said about paraconductivity in high-temperature superconductors). José María Viña Rebolledo. Master's Thesis. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (1999).

Photograph published in La constante de Planck a escalas macroscópicas: superfluidos y superconductores. F. Vidal. Revista Española de Física 14, 77 (2000).


Measurement of current-voltage characteristics of YBa2Cu3O7-d melt-textured samples and films. Superficial and edge currents as key factors in their explanation. J. Maza, M. T. González, J. Viña, S. R. Currás, J. A. Veira, F. Vidal. 6th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS-VI). Sorrento (Italy), September 2003.

Comparison of current-voltage characteristics of YBa2Cu3O7-d melt-textured samples and films up to the superconducting-normal transition. M. T. González, J. Viña, S. R. Currás, J. A. Veira, J. Maza, F. Vidal. 7th International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity and High Temperature Superconductors (M2S-RIO) Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), May 2003.

Correlation between transport critical current and normal resistivity in melt-textured samples of YBCO. T. González, S. Vidal, J. Viña, M.R. Osorio, J. Maza, F. Vidal. 5th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS). Copenhagen (Denmark), August 2001.

Normal-state resistivity versus critical currents in YBCO thin films at high current densities. S. Currás, J. Viña, M. Ruibal, M.T. González, M. Osorio, J.A. Veira, F. Vidal. 5th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS). Copenhagen (Denmark), August 2001.

Paraconductivity in the short-wavelength fluctuation regime in YBCO. J. Viña, C. Carballeira, S.R. Currás, M.V. Ramallo, J.A. Veira, F. Vidal. Workshop on Critical Properties of Vortex Matter, in the program ‘Vortex matter in superconductors at extreme scales and conditions’ of the ESF. Loen (Norway), June 2001.

Transition to the normal state of superconducting YBCO thin films induced by high current densities. S.R. Currás, J. Viña, M. Ruibal, M.T. González, M.R. Osorio, J. Maza, J.A. Veira and F. Vidal. SCENET and SUPERCURRENT Workshop on High Current Superconductors for Practical Applications. Alpbach (Austria), June 2001.

Transición del estado superconductor al normal en películas delgadas de YBCO inducida por altas densidades de corriente. S.R. Currás, J.Viña, M. Ruibal, M. Osorio, J.A. Veira y F. Vidal. Reunión Nacional de Física del Estado Sólido, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Madrid (Spain), February 2001.

Estimation of the effective width of the magnetic pancakes in cuprate superconductors by using thermal fluctuations. J. Viña, J. Mosqueira, C. Torrón, F. Vidal.Workshop on Vortex Imaging, in the program ‘Vortex matter in superconductors at extreme scales and conditions’ of the European Science Foundation (ESF). Cádiz (Spain), June 2000.

Correlation between critical current density at zero applied magnetic field and normal state resistivity of YBa2Cu3O7-d bulk ceramics and thin films. S.R. Currás, J. Viña, P. Wagner, J.A. Veira, J. Maza, F. Vidal. Materials and Mechanisms of HTSC (M2S-HTSC) VI Conference. Houston (USA), February 2000.

Phase diagram for the thermal fluctuation of vortices around Tc in cuprate superconductors. J. Viña, J. Mosqueira, C. Torrón, F. Vidal. 17th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, European Physical Society. Grenoble (France), August 1998.

An Analysis of What Can and What Cannot be Concluded About Paraconductivity and the Determination of Critical Exponents of HTSC: Dependence on Experimental Limitations. José María Viña Rebolledo. Material Science, Fundamental Properties and Future Electronic Applications of High-TcSuperconductors. Albena (Bulgaria), September 1998.


Jul. 2001 - Sept. 2003: Thermal dissipation in the presence of high current density and refrigeration of different high and low Tc superconducting materials: application to current limiters. (F. Vidal Costa). Funding agency: Xunta de Galicia, Project # PGIDT 01 PXI20609PR..

Aug. 2002 - Sept. 2003: Electrical transport and current distribution in high temperature superconducting thin films and textured materials. (J.A. Veira Suárez). Funding agency: Xunta de Galicia, Project # PGIDT 02 PXIC 20609PN.

Both at the Low Temperature and Superconductivity Laboratory (LBTS), Condensed Matter Physics Department, USC.


2002-03: Grant associated to a research project at the LBTS-USC (Funding agency: Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología, Project # MAT2001-3053).

1999-2002: Pre-doctoral scholarship from the Xunta de Galicia Autonomic Government.

1997-99: Doctorate courses scholarship from the Xunta de Galicia Autonomic Goverment.

1996-97: Colaboration scholarship from the Ministerio de Educación y Cultura, developed at the Condensed Matter Physics Dept., USC.


August 2004: The Language Academy, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

August 2000: Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge University, UK.

August-September 1996: GSI (Heavy Ion Research Society) Darmstadt, Germany. Plasma Physics group.

July 1991: English Course, Plymouth, UK.

February 1991: Centre de Culture Européenne Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle. Saint Jean d'Angély, Francia.

July 1990: English Course, Plymouth, UK

July 1989: English Course, Gosport, UK.


October-December 2004: Dutch Level 2. The Language Academy, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

August 2004: Dutch Level A1. The Language Academy, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (90 h).

January 2002: Programming in Java. (USC, 20 h).

December 2001: Introduction to NT nets. (USC, 20 h).

June 2000: Workshop on Vortex Imaging, in the program Vortex matter in superconductors at extreme scales and conditions of the European Science Foundation (ESF). Cádiz, Spain.

April 2000: Basic course on Training for First Aid and Civil Protection. Santiago de Compostela, Spain (40 h)

October 1998: Present and future of the electric energy. Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo and Universidade de A Coruña. A Coruña, Spain. (20 horas).

1998: Pedagogic Aptitude Course. Education Sciences Institute, USC. (300 h).

March 1995: Validation of the Introductory and Improvement Courses of Galician Language.

July 1992-93: German levels 1 and 2. Instituto de Idiomas (USC, 140 h).

February 1991: European Medieval Culture course. Centre de Culture Européenne Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle. Saint Jean d'Angély, France.

July 1990-91: English, Trinity College levels 9 and 12. Plymouth, UK. (~160 h).

July 1989: English course. Ibersanz, Gosport, UK. (~ 80 h).


Experimental techniques: X-ray diffraction (XRD), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), low lemperatures and cryogenic liquids, SQUID magnetometry, sputtering synthesis, syntherization of ceramic materials, photolithography, microsoldering, low and high magnetic fields, data acquisition software and hardware (DAQ), electric transport measurements: currents and voltages.

Operating systems: MS-DOS, Windows, Windows NT, MacOS, UNIX.

Programming languages: Visual Basic, Java, C, C++, LabTalk, Fortran 77, Basic (Q-Basic, HP-Basic).

Analysis software: Origin, Mathematica, MatLab, COSMOSM (finite element analysis), Kaleida Graph, Sigma Plot, Excel. OriginLab's Origin Beta-tester.

Design: CorelDraw, Photoshop, Illustrator, 3D Studio. Web sites design: HTML, Flash, JavaScript. Collaborations with the publicity agency Serea, S.L. (Santiago de Compostela, 1991-95), and Sala Capitol (Santiago de Compostela, 2003-04).

Word processing and offimatic: LaTeX, Word, WP, PowerPoint, dBase, Access...

Teaching: Pedagogic Aptitude Course practices, experimental laboratory practices, personal classes, experimental works supervision. Academy Estudio and Academy Logos (Santiago de Compostela, 2004).


Driving license B

Member of the Member of the Spanish Royal Society of Physics (RSEF).

Extraordinary National Premium of Secondary Education 1992 (Ministery of Education and Science).

Extraordinary Regional Premium of Secondary Education 1992 (Xunta de Galicia).

First class honours and distinction at Secondary Education.

Social Services in the place of the Military Service.

Painting selected for the art exhibition Arte xoven galega (Galician youth art) 1990, El Corte Inglés, Vigo, Spain.

Likings: Literature, music and painting. Art and design in general. Travelling and learning languages. International gastronomy. Science and technology.