
evolutionary ecology

life history


human ecology

I am trained as an interdisciplinary macroecologist. My research combines theory with data from field studies and large datasets to: i) uncover fundamental principles of life history, behavior, ecology and biodiversity, and ii) to use these "macroecological laws” as a framework to address practical issues in human ecology, biodiversity conservation, equity and sustainability.

Some press research coverage: PLoS podcast, PLoS blog, Earth Times, Our Finite World, Business Insider,, Sierra Club Canada, Ecology and Policy Blog of the British Ecological Society, Newswise, Scientific American blog, BioScience, Nautilus Magazine, New York Times, Nature Ecology and Evolution blog, Nature Sustainability, Duke Nicholas School Blog "Translational Ecology", Revista Endémico (en Español), Psychology Today, Inverse,

My lab uses field and comparative studies to address basic questions related to social behavior, life history and population demography with implications for conservation and human ecology. I mostly study mammals, including humans, but other taxa too. Recognizing the benefits of addressing questions at multiple levels of biological organization, I compliment field research with macroecological and comparative studies that seek to unify across levels and scales of analysis from individual energy budgets—to population and community dynamics—to cities and the biosphere.

A central focus of my research is exploring biological metabolism (and energy broadly) as a common currency to study emergent properties and behaviors of complex biological and social systems across space and time scales. To that end, my interdisciplinary research pursues core scientific principles and currencies that transcend the physical, biological, and social sciences, making my research highly collaborative. Below are summaries of my primary areas of study.

Poster presented at the 2020 January American Society of Naturalists meeting in Asilomar, California.

Metabolic scaling theory attempts to incorporate mass-energy balance and demographic constraints on the allocation of biomass to the components of fitness: growth, survival, and reproduction (Burger et al. 2019 PNAS; Burger et al. 2021 Ecol Lett). The result, new predictions for energy, biomass and time allocations that apply across taxa and various levels of organization -- from individuals to ecosystems.

Biological Scaling

Life is amazingly diverse, yet there are universal rules that emerge from fundamental biophysical constraints on all species. These are often characterized by scaling laws that can be derived mathematically and evaluated emperically in the field or data synthesis.

Toward a metabolic theory of life history. A major thrust of my research involves developing a metabolic theory of life history that applies across the diversity of life. Metabolism defines life and regulates energy allocation to the various components of growth, development, survival, and reproduction. Across organisms, biological rates and times generally scale as a power law, R=Ro Mb, where R is a trait of interest, M is size of organism, and Ro and b are constants. Across species metabolic scaling theory predicts whole organism metabolic rates as b ≈ ¾, biological times such as development and lifespan as b ≈ ¼, and biological rates including heart rate and reproduction as b ≈ -¼. Other behavioral, life history, population, spatial, and ecological characteristics scale with body size allowing theoretical predictions of parameter estimates that can be evaluated empirically. I am developing new extensions of metabolic theory that incorporate how mass-energy balance and demography constrain the allocation of biomass to the components of fitness: growth, survival, and reproduction (Burger et al. 2019 PNAS; Burger et al. 2021 Ecol Lett). This work has revealed general rules for life history tradeoffs that emerge from the universal biophysical constraints that act on all organisms. These rules are characterized by general equations that underscore the unity of life and provide a number of testable predictions at multiple levels of organization including individual resource allocation, the scaling of life history traits, population dynamics, demography, size distributions in ecosystems and trophic energetics (see Burger et al. 2021 Ecol Lett; Brown et al. 2022 Int Comp Biol).

Scaling approaches can be applied to lots of questions in biodiversity. For example, collaborating with three undergraduate students at UNC-Chapel Hill, we compiled a new comparative datasets of brain sizes for 1552 species (Burger, George, Jr. Leadbetter, and Shaikh - 2019 - J of Mammalogy). What's particularly interesting is that brain size scales sublinear to body size across all mammals and approximates ~0.75 power. So, humans don't have the largest absolute brain size or ratio of brain size to body size, but the largest brain size once accounting for deviations from this allometry. Interestingly, we still do not have an explanation for why the brain scales to the 3/4 power.

We are currently evaluating the life-history tradeoffs associated with brain size using metabolic scaling theory and data for thousands of species. We are seeking to uncover the general constraints and tradeoffs in brain size and pace of life histories that make up the extraordinary diversity of lifestyles in birds and mammals. I am also intersted in studying the scaling of other cognitive, morphological and life history traits.

A) The allometry of brain size versus body size for 1552 mammal species. Points are color coded based on orders with >10 species; open circles are species in orders with ≤10 species. B) The allometries by taxonomic groups (>10 species). Grey bands represent the 95% confidence intervals. Slopes across mammals is ~0.75 and ranges from 0.24 to 0.81 within taxa.

See Burger et al. 2019 - J of Mammalogy

The phylogenetic distribution and violin plots of residual brain sizes by taxonomic order. Black dots in plot tails indicate outliers. Note that humans have the largest residual brain size. Vertical dashed line at 0 corresponds with dashed lines in figure above.

See Burger et al. 2019 - J of Mammalogy

'Sky Island' Biogeography & Conservation

The Chiricahua mnts of southeast Arizona are an example of a 'sky island' system

Understanding and predicting shifts in species geographic distributions (or ranges) is important to inform decision-making on a range of pressing issues in health, agriculture, and natural-resource management. Many human activities increase the patchiness of habitats in an area, thus affecting species distributions. However, predicting the effects of fragmentation on particular species remains difficult. To forecast which species will remain in each patch and which will move into the areas between them, scientists need to consider not only their preferred habitats but also the environmental history of the region and other traits of the species themselves (like body size, dispersal ability, and reproductive rates). With colleagues at CCNY and the AMNH in NYC and UNAM in Mexico City, we are testing a new model to forecast species distributions in fragmented landscapes, applying it to mammals associated with mountain forests. The research will evaluate the roles of environmental history and species traits in predicting a species' presence or absence in particular forest patches.

We are testing hypotheses regarding differential colonization and extinction among species using traits, allometric scaling (based on body size), and spatial patterns of present and past climate using a series of 'sky island' habitats. To predict the particular species occurring in given patches, we use the new Constraint-based model of Dynamic Island Biogeography (C-DIB; Burger et al. 2019 Frontiers of Biogeography) by studying small non-volant mammals associated with currently isolated mesic montane forests of the Sierra Madre Oriental in Mexico (the mainland of this system). Specifically, this research will: 1) obtain occurrence records and trait data for species of the mainland; 2) make predictions for each species and patch within one sky island complex using body size, trophic level, and measures of connectivity and area from ecological niche models applied to present and past conditions; 3) determine the species composition of the patches by conducting field inventories; and 4) perform statistical tests of differential colonization and extinction among species. This project will advance understanding of the factors that affect species ranges across space and over time, empowering researchers to improve biodiversity prediction and spark further development and use of the C-DIB in basic and applied science.

This research is supported by the National Science Foundation in collaboration with Rob Anderson's lab including PhD students Gonzalo Pinilla-Buitrago and Erica E. Johnson at City College of NY (CCNY of CUNY) and the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in New York City and collaborators Lázaro Guevara, Ella Vázquez-Domínguez, Elizabeth Arellano at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).

I am interested in extending this framework to other real island systems like the Carribbean and the Philippines and other montane 'sky island' systems including the southern Appalachians.

Human Macroecology and Sustainability

In collaboration with my Ph.D. advisor, James H. Brown, and others in the Human Macroecology Group (see authors on papers) I have begun to explore the utility of a metabolic framework and macroecological approach to understand the evolutionary past and future trajectory of our own species. Despite being the most studied species on the planet, humans are not typically studied by ecologists the same way we study other organisms. This approach provides us with an appropriate means to quantify the flows of energy, materials, and information into, within, among and between human societies and the global environment from hunter-gatherers to urban dwellers. It also provides an explicit framework with mathematical predictions to compare and contrast the ecology of Homo sapiens to other organisms. Specifically, this work has outlined core ecological principles for sustainability science (Burger et al. 2012 PLoS Biol), the demography and energetics underpinning cummulative cultural evolution and innovation (Nekola et al. 2013 TREE; Burger 2018 Nature Sustainability), the scaling of energy use with economic growth across and within countries (Brown et al. 2014 Ecological Engineering), and emerging social and lifespan inequalities (Snyder-Mackler, Burger et al. 2020 Science).

(A) Shows the scaling of density and per capita energy use in wild mammals compared to the ecologies of hunter-gatherers, pre-industrial (no fossil fuel) societies, and modern city dwellers (Burger et al. 2017 Sci Rep). In very short evolutionary time (~10,000 years), humans have gone from living in densities on the order of ~0.1 person/km2 in hunter-gatherer societies -- well within the mammalian expectation for our body size -- up to ~40,000 persons/km2 in the highest density modern cities. This has broad implications for understanding the energetics of cummulative cultural evolution, innovation, and urbanization, including (B) the importance of maintaining ecosystem services from multiple spatial and temporal scales in order to sustain modern cities (Burger et al. 2012 PLoS Biology).

Adaptation to climate change

2020 Webinar on "Extreme heatwaves and the lethal temperatures to life". The Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center (SW CASC) and Center for Climate Adaptation Science and Solutions (CCASS) hosted a series of webinars this May focused on ecosystem resilience; specifically, the impacts of heat on ecosystems, ecosystem transformations after large-scale disturbance events, and the benefits of Native American cultural burning. This first one was on Extreme Heat and Ecosystems, and was held May 1st 2020. See Breshears et al. 2021 New Phytologist 'Underappreciated plant vulnerabilities to heatwaves'.

I have additionally extended ways to model human demography and spatial ecology of humans over time from hunter-gatherer societies to the modern urban planet. This approach provides interesting insights into questions of Anthropocene origins and sustaining urban systems in a post fossil-fuel world. See commentary Burger & Fristoe 2018 PNAS.

Sociobiology in mammals and humans

I have always been interested in how humans compare to other species and what makes us unique.

Science magazine made this cool video summarizing our recent paper!

Watch how social inequality impacts everything from health to longevity.

Urban Biodiversity and the Importance of Scale

Call for papers 'Research Topic':

Despite rapid urbanization and growing cities, we lack a general framework to study global urban biodiversity across scales. Many ecological and evolutionary processes are affected by urbanization, but cities vary by orders of magnitude in both their size and degree of development. To quantify and manage urban biodiversity we must understand both how biodiversity scales with city size, and how ecological, evolutionary and socioeconomic drivers of biodiversity scale with city size. We have been developing macroecological approaches to quantify how environmental abiotic and biotic drivers as well as human cultural and socioeconomic drivers may act through ecological and evolutionary processes differently at different scales to influence patterns in urban biodiversity (Uchida et al. 2021 TREE). Because these relationships often take linear and non-linear forms, we have highlighted the need to describe the specific scaling relationships in evolutionary, ecological and social attributes. This includes deviations and potential inflection points where different management strategies may successfully conserve urban biodiversity.

To explore these knowledge gaps, I am collaborating broadly with natural and social scientists discussing to: 1) test global scaling relationships hypothesized in our new framework in Uchida et al. (2021) TREE; 2) provide insights from understudied regions (e.g., Latin America) on the interplay between physical, ecological, evolutionary and social factors that drive urban biodiversity; and, 3) explore human dimensions of urban biodiversity scaling, including biodiversity management, environmental justice and cross-scale functional arrangements of human settlements resulting in novel urban ecosystems; 4) the importance of scale in managing transnational cities.

Many social and ecological attributes scale with city size. The species-area relationship is illustrative. The number of species, S , scales as a function of urban area, A, with scaling constants C and Z. Deviations in these scalings provide a means of normalizing for city size and comparing social-ecological drivers impacting urban biodiversity. Studies show urban environments shift the intercept, C, up resulting in higher Alpha diversity compared to nearby non-urban environments (Murthy et al. 2016 Ecosphere). and latitude. Generalized species-urban area relationship contrasting possible relationships in urban and non-urban areas. See Uchida et al. (2021) TREE

Female (hen) and male (drake) wood ducks at a feeder along the Rio Grande in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Urban birds

Distance decay of community similarity using Christmas Bird Count data for North America. Beta diversity (turnover) decreases faster over distance for wild sites compared to urban sites, providing insights into the homogenizing effects of cities on biodiversity (Murthy et al. 2016 Ecosphere).