
Publications: Equal contribution;  **Graduate student and  *Undergraduate coauthors

(Google Scholar, ResearchGate)


**Cruz, A, BJ Enquist, JR Burger. Scaling COVID-19 rates with population size in the United States. — (medRxiv preprint)

Burger, JR, C Hou, CAS Hall, JH Brown. Life history, death and the ecosystem tax. (preprint)

Brown, JH, C Hou, CAS Hall, JR Burger  - in press - Life, death and energy: what does nature select?

Burger, JR & JH Brown - in press - The allometry of life history. Chapter in Biological scaling: Toward a universal theory. Editors: BJ Enquist, M O'Connor, C Kempes. Santa Fe Institute Press.


Xiao, F, AT Peterson, LJ Aguirre-López, JR Burger, X Chen, M Papes. 2024. Rethinking ecological niches and geographic distributions in the face of pervasive human influence in the Anthropocene.  Biological Reviews. DOI: 10.1111/brv.13077 [Open access]

Day, JD, CAS Hall, J Gunn, K Klitgaard, J-Y Ko, JR Burger. 2023. The coming perfect storm: diminishing sustainability of coastal human-natural systems in the Anthropocene. Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures. V1, e35 DOI:

*Hughes, H, DD Breshears, **KJ Cook, L Keith, JR Burger. 2023. Household energy use response to extreme heat evaluated with a biophysical model of temperature regulation: an Arizona case study. PLoS Climate. 2(4): e0000110.

Blumstein, DT, M Alberti, J Beninde, RV Blakey, JR Burger, DS Cooper, C Kelty, CA Niesner, CJ Schell, M Soga, and K Uchida. 2023. Urban biodiversity and scale. Frontiers in Conservation Science. 4: 1-4.

Burger, JR, JG Okie, IA Hatton, VP Weinberger, M Shrestha, **KJ Liedtke, *T Be, **AR Cruz, X Feng, C Hinojo-Hinojo, AS Kibria, KC Ernst, BJ Enquist. 2022. Global city densities: Re-examining urban scaling theory.  Frontiers in Conservation Science. [Open access]

Harrison, JF, A Biewener, JR Bernhardt, JR Burger, JH Brown, ZN Coto, ME Duell, M Lynch, ER Moffett, T Norin, AK Pettersen, FA Smith, U Somjee, JFA Traniello, TM Williams.  2022. White paper: An integrated perspective on the causes of hypometric metabolic scaling in animals. Integrative and Comparative Biology. icac136, [Open access]

Brown, JH, JR Burger, C Hou, CAS Hall. 2022. The pace of life: energy metabolism, biological time and life history. Integrative and Comparative Biology.  icac058, PDF.

Feng, X, BJ Enquist, DS Park, B Boyle, DD Breshears, RV Gallagher, A Lien, E Newman, JR Burger, BS Maitner, Y Li, KM Huynh, K Ernst, E Baldwin, S Echeverría-Londoño, W Foden, L Hannah, PM Jørgensen, NJ.B. Kraft, JC Lovett, PA Marquet, BJ McGill, C Merow, N Morueta-Holme, DM Neves, MM Núñez, Regueiro, AT Oliveira-Filho, RK Peet, M Pillet, P Roehrdanz, B Sandel, JM Serra-Diaz, I Šímová, J-C Svenning, C Violle, TD Weitemier, S Wiser, L López-Hoffman. 2022. A review of the heterogeneous landscape of biodiversity databases: opportunities and challenges for a synthesized biodiversity knowledge base. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 31, 7. Pages 1242-1260.

Dunn, R.R, JR Burger, EJ Carlen, AM Koltz, JE Light, RA Martin, J Munshi-South, L Nichols, EL Vargo, S Yitbarek, Y Zhao, A Cibrian-Jaramill. 2022. A theory of city biogeography and the origin of urban species. Frontiers in Conservation Science. [Open access] article in 'Research topic' on urban biodiversity and scale.

Burger, JR & VP Weinberger. 2022. Human macroecology, energy use scaling and the sustainability of cities: A look at Latin America. Conference Proceedings on Sustainable Development in the Americas. University of Arizona. CRC Press. PDF

Feng, X, C Merow, BS Maitner, DS Park, P Roehrdanz, Z Liu, E Newman, B Boyle, A Lien, JR Burger, MM Pires, PM Brando, MB Bush, CH McMichael, DM Neves, E Nikolopoulos, SR Saleska, L Hannah, DD Breshears, T Evans, JR Soto, KC Ernst, BJ Enquist. 2021. How deregulation, drought and increasing fires impact Amazon biodiversity.  Nature. 597 (7874) 1-6. PDF

Jung, M, A Arnell , X de Lamo , S García-Rangel , M Lewis , J Mark , C Merow, L Miles, I Ondo, S Pironon, C Ravilious, M Rivers , D Schepashenko , O Tallowin, A van Soesbergen , R Govaerts, BL Boyle, BJ Enquist, X Feng, RV Gallagher, B Maitner, S Meiri, M Mulligan, G Ofer, JO Hanson, W Jetz, M Di Marco, J McGowan, DS Rinnan , JD Sachs, M Lesiv, V Adams, SC Andrew, JR Burger, L Hannah, PA Marquet, JK McCarthy, N Morueta-Holme, EA Newman, DS Park, PR Roehrdanz, J-Christian Svenning, C Violle, JJ Wieringa, G Wynne, S Fritz, BBN Strassburg, M Obersteiner, V Kapos, N Burgess, G Schmidt-Traub, P Visconti. 2021. Areas of global importance for conserving terrestrial biodiversity, carbon, and water. Nature Ecology & Evolution. PDF

Day, JW, J Gunn,  JR Burger. 2021. Diminishing opportunities for sustainability of coastal cities in the Anthropocene: A review. Special Research Topic on 'Coastal Cities in a Changing Climate', Frontiers in Environmental Science. 9, 300.

Burger, JR, C Hou, CAS Hall, JH Brown. 2021. Universal rules of life: metabolic rates, biological times and the equal fitness paradigm. Ecology Letters. DOI: 10.1111/ELE.13715 Open access

Breshears, DD, JB Fontaine, K Ruthrof, JP Field, X Feng, JR Burger, DJ Law, J Kala, GE St.J. Hardy.  2021. Underappreciated plant vulnerabilities to heat waves. Tansley Insight. New Phytologist. Open access

Uchida, K, R  Blakely,  **D Cooper, **C Alexander, JR Burger, DT Blumstein. 2021. Urban biodiversity and the importance of scale. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. PDF

Snyder-Mackler, N, JR Burger, L Gaydosh, D Belsky, GA Noppert, FA Campos, A Bartolomucci, YC Yang, AE Aiello, A O’Rand, K Mullan Harris, CA Shively, SC Alberts, J Tung. 2020. Social determinants of health and survival in humans and other animals. Science. (368), eaax9553. DOI: 10.1126/science.aax9553 [Press coverage: Psychology Today, Inverse,; video summary:]

Burger, JR, C Hou, JH Brown. 2019. Toward a metabolic theory of life history.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 116 (52), 26653-26661.   doi:10.1073/pnas.1907702116 [PDF]

Enquist, BJ, X Feng, B Boyle, B Maitner, EA Newman, P Møller Jørgensen, PR Roehrdanz, BM Theirs, JR Burger, R Corlett, JC Donoghue, W Foden, JC Lovett, P Marquet, C Merow, G Midgley, N Morueta-Holme, NJB Kraft, DS Park, RK Peet, M Pillet, JM Serra-Diaz, B Sandel, M Schildhauer, I Šímová, C Violle, S Wiser, L Hannah, J-C Svenning, BJ McGill. 2019. The commonness of rarity: Global and future distribution of rarity across land plants.  Science Advances. 5, 11.  (open access). doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aaz0414

Burger, JR, RP Anderson, MA Balk, TS Fristoe. 2019. A Constraint-based model of Dynamic Island Biogeography: Environmental history and species traits predict hysteresis in populations and communities. Frontiers of Biogeography. 11, 3. doi:10.21425/F5FBG44383 (open access)

Burger, JR, *A George, *C Leadbetter, *F Shaikh. 2019. The allometry of brain size in mammals. Journal of Mammalogy. 100, 2: 276-283. 'Feature Article' [Online]

Burger JR, JH Brown, JW Day Jr., TP Flanagan, E Roy. 2019. The central role of energy in the urban transition: global challenges for sustainability. BioPhysical Economics and Sustainability. 4:1-13. [PDF; 'Research Highlight' in Nature Sustainability

Burger, JR, TS Fristoe. 2018. Hunter-gatherer populations inform modern ecology. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 115, 6: 1137-1139. [invited commentary; online]

Burger, JR. 2018. Technological evolution: Modeling humanity's predicament. Nature Sustainability. 1: 15–16. [invited "news and views "; online]

Burger, JR, VP Weinberger, PA Marquet. 2017. Extra-metabolic energy use and the rise in human hyper-density. Scientific Reports. 7: 43869. [open access]

Maher, CR, JR Burger. 2016. Inter and intraspecific diversity of social behavior in caviomorph rodents. In Sociobiology of caviomorph rodents: an integrative approach. Ebensperger, LA & Hayes, LD. Eds. John Wiley & Sons. [online]

*Murthy, AC, TS Fristoe, JR Burger. 2016. Homogenizing effects of cities on North American winter bird diversity. Ecosphere. 7,1: e01216. [open access]

Fristoe, TS, JR Burger, AM Balk, I Khaliq C Hof, JH Brown. 2015. Metabolic heat production and thermal conductance are body size independent adaptations to thermal environments in birds and mammals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 112: 15934–15939. [PDF]   Supporting Information

Hammond, ST, JH Brown, JR Burger, TS Fristoe, N Mercado-Silva, JC Nekola, T Paz, JG Okie. 2015. Food spoilage, storage and transport: implications for a sustainable future. BioScience. 65: 758-768. [open access]

Brown, JH, JR Burger, WR Burnside, M Chang, AD Davidson, TS Fristoe, MJ Hamilton, ST Hammond, A Kodric-Brown, N Mercado-Silva, JC Nekola, JG Okie. 2014. Macroecology meets macroeconomics: resource scarcity and global sustainability. Ecological Engineering. 65: 24-32. [PDF; Special Issue article

Wey, TW, JR Burger, LA Ebensperger, LD Hayes. 2013. Reproductive correlates of social network variation in plural breeding degus (Octodon degus). Animal Behaviour. 85: 1407–1414. [PDF]

Nekola, J, JH Brown, CD Allen, JR Burger, WR Burnside, AD Davidson, TS Fristoe, MJ Hamilton, ST Hammond, N Mercado-Silva, JG Okie. 2013. The Malthusian-Darwinian dynamic and the trajectory of civilization. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 28: 127-130. [PDF]

Burger, JR, CD Allen, JH Brown, WR Burnside, AD Davidson, TS Fristoe, MJ Hamilton, N Mercado-Silva, J Nekola, JG Okie, & W Zuo. 2012. The macroecology of sustainability. PLoS Biology. 10, 6: e1001345. [open access] *Recommended as "Must read" and "Good for teaching" by Faculty of 1000, Additional coverage: PLoS Podcast interview of Georgina Mace

Ebensperger, LA, R Sobrero, V Quirici, RA Castro, L Ortiz Tolhuysen, F Vargas, JR Burger, R Quispe, CP Villavicencio, RA Vásquez, LD Hayes. 2012. Ecological drivers of group living in two populations of the communally rearing rodent, Octodon degus. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 66: 261-274. [PDF]

Burger, JR, AS Chesh, P Muñoz, F Fredes, LA Ebensperger, & LD Hayes. 2012. Sociality, exotic ectoparasites, and fitness in the plural breeding rodent Octodon degus. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 66: 57-66. [PDF]

Ebensperger, LA, J Ramírez-Estrada, C León, RA Castro, L Ortiz Tolhuysen, R Sobrero, V Quirici, JR Burger, M Soto-Gamboa, & LD Hayes. 2011. Sociality, glococorticoids, and direct fitness in the communally rearing rodent, Octodon degus. Hormones and Behavior. 60: 346-352. [PDF]

Hayes, LD, JR Burger, M Soto-Gamboa, R Sobrero, LA Ebensperger. 2011. New directions in the study of caviomorph rodent sociality. Journal of Mammalogy. 92: 65-77. [PDF; Special Feature article

Maher, CR, JR Burger. 2011. Intraspecific variation in group size, space use, and mating systems of caviomorph rodents. Journal of Mammalogy. 92: 54-64. [PDF; Special Feature article]

Ebensperger, LA, AS Chesh, RA Castro, L Ortiz Tolhuysen, V Quirici, JR Burger, R Sobrero, LD Hayes. 2011. Burrow limitations and group living in the communally rearing rodent, Octodon degus. Journal of Mammalogy. 92: 21-30. [PDF]

Blumstein, DT, LA Ebensperger, LD Hayes, R Vasquez, TH Ahern, JR Burger, A Dolezal, A Dosmann, G González-Mariscal, B Harris, EA Herrera, EA Lacey, J Mateo, L McGraw, D Olazábal, M Ramenofsky, DR Rubenstein, S Sakhai, W Saltzman, C Sainz-Borgo, M Soto-Gamboa, ML Stewart, TW Wey, JC Wingfield, & L Young. 2010. Towards an integrative understanding of social behavior: new models and new opportunities. Frontiers in Behavioural Neuroscience. 4: 1-9. [PDF]

Quirici, V, RA Castro, L Ortiz-Tolhuysen, AS Chesh, JR Burger, E Miranda, A Cortés, LD Hayes & LA Ebensperger. 2010. Seasonal variation in the range areas of the diurnal rodent Octodon degus. Journal of Mammalogy. 91: 458-466. [PDF]

Burger, JR, AS Chesh, RA Castro, L Ortiz Tolhuysen, I Torre, LA Ebensperger, LD Hayes. 2009. The influence of trap type on evaluating population structure of the semifossorial and social rodent Octodon degus. Acta Theriologica. 54: 311-320. [PDF]

Hayes, LD, AS Chesh, RA Castro, L Ortiz Tolhuysen, JR Burger, J Bhattacharjee, LA Ebensperger. 2009. Fitness consequences of group-living in the degu (Octodon degus), a plural breeding rodent with communal care. Animal Behaviour. 78: 131-139. [PDF]

Ebensperger, LA, AS Chesh, RA Castro, L Ortiz Tolhuysen, V Quirici, JR Burger, & LD Hayes. 2009. Instability rules social groups in the communal breeding rodent Octodon degus. Ethology. 115: 540-554. [PDF]

Knowles, TW & JR Burger. 2008. Predominant use of windthrows by nesting Eastern Woodrats (Neotoma floridana) in the South Carolina coastal plain. American Midland Naturalist. 160: 209-219. [PDF]

Other writings (Non-peer reviewed)

**Cook, KJ, JR Burger. 2023. The Species-Area Relationship: Theory and Application (Ecology, Evolution, Biodiversity). Edited by TJ Matthews, KA Triantis and RJ Whittaker. The Quarterly Review of Biology. PDF

Burger, JR. 2021. Book review of "What Is a Complex System?" by J Ladyman and K Wiesner. The Quarterly Review of Biology. [PDF]

Burger, JR, C Hou, CAS Hall, JH Brown. 2020. A metabolic life table illustrated with sockeye salmon data. bioRxiv preprint

Burger, JR. 2020. Urban ecology: taking it back to the Odum school of systems ecology. Book review of Understanding urban ecology by MHP Hall & SB Balogh. BioScience. 10.1093/biosci/biaa075 [open access]

Burger, JR. 2020. Malthus on population. Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. T. K. Shackelford, V. A. Weekes-Shackelford (eds.) Springer-Nature. (Invited chapter; PDF)

Burger, JR. 2019. Fueling fertility decline is emptying the planet's resources. Book Review of Empty Planet: The Shock of Global Population Decline by D Bricker & J Ibbitson. BioScience. [online]

Hammond, ST, JH Brown, JR Burger, M Chang, TS Fristoe, A Kodric-Brown, T Paz, JG Okie. 2013. Bankrupting nature for the (temporary) wealth of nations. Book review of Bankrupting Nature: Denying Our Planetary Boundaries by A Wijkman and J Rockström. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 28:576-577. [PDF]

Human Macroecology Group. 2013. Gasoline and fertility: we consume unlike any other. Nautilus Magazine. [online]

Burger, JR. 2012. What’s missing in Rio? Putting humans under the macroscope. Ecology Global Network. []

Guanaco (Lama guanicoe), wild ancestor of llamas, in Fray Jorge National Park, Chile