
Working Papers

Learning, Heterogeneity in Job Change, and Earnings Dynamics

Early Specialization in Higher Education and Labor Market Outcomes (with Chamna Yoon and Jae-Yun Lee)

The Effects of House Prices and Rents on Birth Rates: Evidence from Korea (with YoungWook Lee)

Delayed Mandatory Retirement and Youth Employment

Does Initial Allocation Matter? Initial Allowance Allocation and Firm Performance: Evidence from Korea's Emissions Trading Scheme 

AI and the Labor Market: The Case of Korea

Unemployment insurance and assistance for the self-employed.

Academic Journals (peer-reviewed)

To Move or Not to Move? Immigration and Natives’ Neighborhood Choices in Seoul, Korea (with Jinwook HurJongkwan Lee, and Hyunjoo Yang). Journal of Economic Geography, 22(4), 2022, pp. 779-799.

College Majors in Limited Supply: The Case of Private Universities in Korea, Korean Economic Review 38(3), 2022, pp. 383-414.

Who's Hit Hardest?  The Persistence of the Employment Shock by the COVID-19 Crisis. KDI Journal of Economic Policy 43(2), 2021, pp. 23-51.

Long-Term Effects of Labour Market Entry Conditions: The Case of Korea. Global Economic Review 47(4), 2018, pp. 434-463.

Effects of Class Size Reduction in Upper Grades: Evidence from Seoul, Korea (with Keunkwan Ryu). Economics of Education Review 60, 2017, pp. 68-85. 

KDI Publications (in Korean, peer-reviewed)

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Labor Market and Policy Implications, KDI Research Monograph 2023 [PDF].

"Climate Change and Economic Vulnerability: The Impacts of Extreme Heat on Employment and Occupational Hazards" (with Junghyun Kwon). In Yang Y. (Ed.), Strategies for Transitioning to a Low-Carbon Economy and Policy Challenges), KDI Research Monograph 2023  [PDF].

"Climate Change  Policy and Job Loss: Evidence from Korea Emissions Trading Scheme (K-ETS)." In Yang Y. (Ed.), Strategies for Transitioning to a Low-Carbon Economy and Policy Challenges), KDI Research Monograph 2023 [PDF].

An Economic Analysis of Platform Labor: Focusing on Monopsony Power and Social Protection  (with Hwaryung Lee), KDI Research Monograph 2022-08 [PDF].

Study on Location Choice among Young People (with Chamna Yoon), KDI Policy Study 2021-09  [PDF]

"Universal and Sustainable Employment Safety Net."  In Lee, Y. (Ed.), Rebuilding Social Safety Nets in Response to New Risks, KDI  Research Monograph 2021-02  [PDF]

"The Labor Market for Older Workers: Current Situation and Policy Suggestions)" In Lee, T. (Ed.), Structural Reforms for Population Aging), KDI Research Monograph 2020-08   [PDF]

"Self-Employment over the Life Cycle: Types and Motivations." In Lee, J. (Ed.), Study on Self-Employment and Policy Suggestions. KDI Research Monograph 2020-06  [PDF]

The Labor Market Impacts of Delayed Mandatory Retirement. KDI Policy Study  2019-03  [PDF]

Field-of-Study Choice in Higher Education and the Role of Government. KDI Research Monograph 2018-01  [PDF]

Long-Term Effects of Initial Job Placement: Implications for Active Labor Market Programs for Youth. KDI Policy Study 2017-07 [PDF]

Policy Briefs

Strategies for Restoring Labor Market Function to Overcome Employment Instability among Middle-aged and Older Workers. KDI Focus 124, March 20, 2024.  [KOR] [ENG]

Designing Social Protections for Platform Workers. KDI Focus 124, August 23, 2023.  [KOR] [ENG]

How to Save Local Communities Where Young People Are Leaving. KDI Policy Forum 290, September 22, 2022.  [KOR

Directions for Employment Safety Net Encompassing the Self-Employed Workers.  KDI Focus 112, April 26, 2022.  [KOR

Mismatches in the Labor Market for College Graduates: Focusing on Field-of-Study Choice. KDI Focus 99, June 9, 2020.  [KOR] [ENG]

The Effect of Delayed Mandatory Retirement on Employment).  KDI Policy Forum, 277 (2020-02), May 14, 2020 [KOR] [ENG]

The Employment Situation of Youth and Policy Suggestions). Featured Article in KDI Economic Outlook 2020-1st Half, May 8, 2020.    [KOR] [ENG]