Jonathan (Jon) Wray

Jonathan (Jon) Wray is the Coordinator of Secondary Mathematics for the Howard County Public School System, is past president of the Association of Maryland Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMMTE) and a past president of the Maryland Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM). He serves as the manager of the Elementary Mathematics Specialists & Teacher Leaders (ems&tl) Project. From April 2012-2015 he served as an elected member of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Board of Directors. An author, consultant, and speaker, Wray's interests include instructional leadership, teacher collaboration, effective and engaging teaching and learning strategies, strategic uses of technology, and issues related to access and equity in mathematics education.

NewsCheck out Jon's op-ed piece, "My View: Why We Need the Common Core Standards" published in's Schools of Thought.

Recent Presentations & PD Sessions

Interested in learning more about Jon's recent presentations, collaborations and professional development work? Here's a sampling of several of his more recent sessions.

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Affiliations & Projects

Jon is proud to be affiliated with several mathematics education programs and projects at the local, state and national levels.

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