
 1. Personal History

- Name : Jonghee Lee

- Date of Birth : Feb. 21, 1980

- Gender : Male (married)

- Nationality : Republic of Korea

- Title: Dr. (Chemistry)

- Position : Professor, Department of Creative Convergence Engineering,  Hanbat National University

 2. Research Experience

 - Hanbat National University                                                                         2018.04 – present


- Institut für Angewandte Photophysik (IAPP) - TU Dresden              2024.02 – 2024.07

Visiting Professor

- Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute (ETRI)           2012.10 – 2018.03

Senior Member of Engineering Staff

- Institut für Angewandte Photophysik (IAPP) - TU Dresden                   2010.07 – 2012.08

Alexander von Humboldt Fellow for Post Doctorate

(Advisor : Prof. Dr. Karl Leo)

- Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute (ETRI)            2007.07 – 2010.05

Senior Member of Engineering Staff

- Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT)                    2001.01 – 2002.01

Student Researcher

 3. Education

 -  Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)                2004.03-2007.08

Ph.D. in Chemistry                                                                                                                  

Dissertation: Synthesis and Enhanced Efficiency of Organic Light-Emitting Materials

(Advisor: Hong-Ku Shim)

-  Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)               2002.03-2004.02

M.S. in Chemistry                                                                                                                     

Dissertation: Highly enhanced and stabilized blue-luminescent polyfluorene : Introducing nano-sized polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) 

(Advisor: Prof. Hong-Ku Shim)

 -  Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)               1997.03-2002.02

B.S. in Chemistry  

 4. Awards

- The 2022 HBNU Best Teaching Award  2023.02 

2022년도 한밭대학교 우수교수상 (교육)

- The 2021 HBNU Best Teaching Award  2022.02 

2021년도 한밭대학교 우수교수상 (교육) 

- 2020 년 디스플레이 국가연구개발사업 연구성과 우수자 2020.11 

한국산업기술평가관리원 원장상 

- The 2019 HBNU Best Research Award  2020.02 

2019년도 한밭대학교 우수교수상 (연구)

- 2019 Merck Young Scientist Award 2019.08 

2019 머크 젊은 과학자상 

- 2015 ETRI Outstanding New Employee Award  2015.04 

2015 한국전자통신연구원 우수신입직원상

- ETRI Journal 2012 Citation Award 2012.12

2012년 ETRI Journal 인용상

- Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship for Post. Doc. 2010.07-2012.09

- Ilun Fellowship from Ilun Science & Technology Foundation 2010.12.                     

한국산업기술평가관리원 원장상

2019 머크 젊은 과학자상