Recent Papers

1 Labor Supply and Labor Market Dynamics

"Estimating (Easily Estimated) Dynamic Training Effects from Experimental Data." Journal of Labor Economics 2017, 35:S149-S200. Joint with B. Ba, R. LaLonde and X. Li.

"The Employment Dynamics of Disadvantaged Women: Evidence from the SIPP" Journal of Labor Economics 2016, 34: 899–944. Joint with X. Li and L. Shore Sheppard.

"Implicit Contracts, Life Cycle Labor Supply and Intertemporal Substitution" International Economic Review 2013, 54: 1133-1158. Joint with Kevin Reilly*.

“Propensity Score Matching, a Distance-Based Measure of Migration, and the Wage Growth of Young Men.” Journal of Econometrics 2011, 161: 208-227. Joint with X. Li and P. Reagan.

"Government Programs Can Improve Local Labor Markets: Evidence from State Enterprise Zones, Federal Empowerment Zones and Federal Enterprise Communities." Journal of Public Economics 2011 95: 779-797. Joint with and Charles Swenson, Ayse Imrohoroglu, and Heonjae Song.

2 Health and Family

"Medicaid" The Economics of Means-Tested Transfer Programs II, edited by Robert Moffitt, NBER volume, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Joint with Thomas Buchmueller and Lara Shore-Sheppard.

"Disparities in Bulimia Nervosa: Who is Left Behind?" Economics Letters 2015, 136: 147-150. Joint with Daniela Iorio and Michelle S. Sovinsky.

“Caught in the Bulimic Trap? Persistence and State Dependence of Bulimia Among Young Women.” Journal of Human Resources 2014, 48: 736-767. Joint with Daniela Iorio and Michelle S. Sovinsky.

“Estimating the Effect of Policy Changes on Participation in Medicaid While Allowing for Heterogeneous Treatment Effects Based on Observables and Unobservables.” Journal of Human Resources 2014, 49: 872-905. Joint with S. Ozbeklik and L. Shore-Sheppard.

"Bargaining Power within the Family in South Korea: Transfers to Parents from Adult Children and Vice-versa" Journal of Development Economics 2014, 109: 73-86. Joint with Heonjae Song.

3 Econometrics

“Calculating Confidence Intervals for Continuous and Discontinuous Functions of Estimated Parameters.” November 2018. Under revision (second round) at the request of the Journal of Econometrics. Joint with T. Woutersen

"Test of Random vs Fixed Effects with Small Within Variation" (with J. Hahn and H. Moon), Economics Letters, 2011, Online Appendix

“Test of Random vs. Fixed Effects with Small within Variation.” Economics Letters, 2011, 112: 293297. Joint with Jinyong. Hahn and Roger Moon.

"The Hausman Test and Weak Instruments" Journal of Econometrics 2011, 160: 289-299. Joint with J. Hahn and R. Moon.

4 Laboratory Experiments

"The Role of Cognitive Ability and Personality Traits for Men and Women in Gift Exchange Outcomes" Experimental Economics, Symposium in Experimental Economics in memory of John Van Huyck, 2018. Joint with Emil Filiz-Ozbay, John H. Kagel, and Erkut Y. Ozbay.