Most Papers

1 Employment, Unemployment and Labor Market Dynamics

"The Employment Dynamics of Disadvantaged Women: Evidence from the SIPP" (with X. Li, York University and L. Shore-Sheppard), April 2014. Appendix Forthcoming Journal of Labor Economics

"Government Programs Can Improve Local Labor Markets: Evidence from State Enterprise Zones, Federal Empowerment Zones and Federal Enterprise Communities" (with C. Swenson, A. İmrohoroğlu and H. Song), Journal of Public Economics, 2011.

"Alternative Methods of Estimating Program Effects in Event History Models" (with Curtis Eberwein and Robert J. LaLonde), Labour Economics, 2002.

"Women's Unemployment During the Transition: Evidence from the Czech and Slovak Republics" (with J. Svejnar and K. Terrell), Economics of Transition, 1999.

"Unemployment and the Social Safety Net During Transitions to a Market Economy: Evidence from Micro Data on Czech and Slovak Republics", (with J. Svejnar and K. Terrell), American Economic Review, 1998.

"The Impact of Being Offered and Receiving Classroom Training on the Employment Histories of Disadvantaged Women: Evidence From Experimental Data" (with C. Eberwein and R. LaLonde), The Review of Economic Studies, 1997.

"The Effect of Sample Selection and Initial Conditions in Duration Models: Evidence from Experimental Data on Training" (with R. LaLonde), Econometrica, 1996.

Looking Into the Black Box: Using Experimental Data to Find Out How Training Works” (with R. LaLonde), Journal of International Manpower, 1994.

The Czech Republic and Slovakia” (with J. Svejnar and K. Terrell), S. Commander and F. Coricelli (eds.), Unemployment Restructuring and the Labor Market in Eastern Europe and Russia, The World Bank, 1994, pp. 91-146.

The Emergence of Unemployment in the Czech and Slovak Republics” (with J. Svejnar and K. Terrell), Comparative Economic Studies, 1993.

Employment Variation in Canada: The Role of External, National, Regional and Industrial Factors” (with J. Altonji), Journal of Labor Economics, 1990.

Using Social Experiments to Estimate the Effect of Training on Transition Rates” (with with R. LaLonde), in J. Hartog, G. Ridder and J. Theeuwes (eds.), Panel Data and Labor Market Studies, North Holland, 1990,157-172.

The Collective Impact of Sectoral Shocks on Aggregate Employment Fluctuations” (with J. Altonji), in P. Chinloy and E. Stromsdorfer (eds.), Labor Market Adjustments in the Pacific Basin, Boston: Kluwer-Nijhoff, 1987, pp. 161-201.

Unemployment Insurance and Male Unemployment Duration in Canada” (with S. Rea), Journal of Labor Economics, 1987.

2 Intertemporal Substitution, Labor Supply and Unemployment

Using Micro Data to Estimate the Intertemporal Substitution Elasticity for Labor Supply in an Implicit Contract Model” (with Kevin Reilly), International Economic Review, November 2013.

"Testing Intertemporal Substitution, Implicit Contracts, and Hours Restriction Models of the Labor Market using Micro Data" (with Kevin T. Reilly), American Economic Review, 2002. Additional Results Appendix, Data Appendix

"Testing for Full Insurance Using Exogeneous Information" (with K. Jacobs), Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 2000.

"Search Costs, Fixed Costs and Labor Force Participation" (with R. Blundell and C. Meghir), Research in Economics, 1998.

Intertemporal Substitution, Exogeneity and Surprises: Estimating Life-Cycle Models for Canada” (with J. Altonji), Canadian Journal of Economics, 1990.

Unemployment and Female Labour Supply” (with R. Blundell and C. Meghir), Economic Journal, 1987.

Testing Whether Unemployment Represents Life-Cycle Labour Supply Behavior”, Review of Economic Studies, 1986.

On the Interpretation of Unemployment in Empirical Labour Supply Analysis.” in R. Blundell and I. Walker (eds.), Unemployment, Search and Labour Supply, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985, pp. 121-142.

Estimation of a Labour Supply Model with Censoring due to Unemployment and Underemployment”, Review of Economic Studies, 1982.

Education, Unemployment and Earnings” (O. Ashenfelter), Journal of Political Economy, 1979.

3 Health and Family

"Medicaid" forthcoming in The Economics of Means-Tested Transfer Programs II edited by Robert Moffitt. Joint with Thomas Buchmueller and Lara Shore-Sheppard. (Technical Appendix by Ham and K. Ueda available soon here.)

"Disparities in Bulimia Nervosa: Who is Left Behind?" Economics Letters 2015, 136: 147-150. Joint with Daniela Iorio, University of Bologna and Michelle S. Sovinsky, University of Mannheim

Caught in the Bulimic Trap? Persistence and State Dependence of Bulimia Among Young Women” (with D. Iorio and M. Sovinsky), Journal of Human Resources, Fall 2013.

"Estimating Heterogeneous Take-up and Crowd-Out Responses to Existing Medicaid Income Limits and Their Nonmarginal Expansions" (with S. Ozbekik and L. Shore-Sheppard), Appendix. J. Human Resources 2014 49:872-905.

"Estimating the Determinants of Bargaining Power Within the Family using Semiprivate Consumption: Transfers to Parents from Their Adult Children and Vice-versa in South Korea" (with H. Song), Forthcoming, Journal of Development Economics.

"Public Policy and the Dynamics of Children's Health Insurance, 1986-1999" (with X. Li, and L. Shore-Sheppard), American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, May 2009 "A Re-Examination of the Impact of Welfare Reform on Health Insurance Among Less-Skilled Women" (with X. Li and L. Shore-Sheppard), Welfare Reform and its Long-Term Consequences for America's Poor, James P. Ziliak (ed.), Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press 2009.

"The Effect of Medicaid Expansions for Low-Income Children on Medicaid Participation and Private Insurance Coverage: Evidence from the SIPP" (with Lara Shore-Sheppard), Journal of Public Economics, 2005.

"Did Expanding Medicaid Affect Welfare Participation?" (with Lara Shore-Sheppard), Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2005.

"Air Pollution and Academic Performance: Evidence from California Schools" (with Jacqueline S. Zweig and Edward Avol), February 2014.

"Using the Rand Health Experiment Data to Access the Efficacy of Propensity Score Matching in Dealing with Attrition" (with X. Li), June 2011, under revision.

4 Laboratory Experiments

The Role of Cognitive Ability and Personality Traits For Men and Women in Gift Exchange Outcomes” (with E. Filiz-Ozbay, John H. Kagel and E. Y. Ozbay), July 2013.

"Selection Bias, Demographic Effects and Ability Effects in Common Value Auction Experiments" (with Marco Casari and John Kagel), American Economic Review, September 2007. Appendix

"Gender Effects in Private Value Auctions" (with J. Kagel), Economics letters, Vol. 92, 2006, pp. 375-382.

"Randomization, Endogeneity and Laboratory Experiments in Economics" (with J. Kagel and S. Lehrer), Journal of Econometrics, 2005.

5 Econometrics and Computation

Calculating Confidence Intervals for Continuous and Discontinuous Functions of Parameters” (with Tiemen Woutersen), October 2013.

"Matching and Semi-parametric IV Estimation, a Distance-Based Measure of Migration, and the Wages of Young Men" (with X. Li, and P. Reagan), Journal of Econometrics, April 2011.

"The Hausman Test and Weak Instruments" (with J. Hahn and H. Moon), Journal of Econometrics, September 2011.

"Test of Random vs Fixed Effects with Small Within Variation" (with J. Hahn and H. Moon), Economics Letters, 2011, Online Appendix

"Obtaining Analytic Derivatives for A Popular Discrete-Choice Dynamic Programming Model" (with C. Eberwein), Economics Letters, 2008.

"Time-of-Use Prices and Electricity Demand: Allowing for Selection Bias in Experimental Data" (with D. Mountain and L. Chan), The Rand Journal of Economics, 1997.

Two Stage Estimation of Structural Labor Supply Parameters Using Interval Data from the 1971 Canadian Census” (with C. Hsiao), Journal of Econometrics, 1984.

A Note on the Efficient Estimation of the Linear Expenditure System”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1978.

6 Other Applied Micro

"Priorities and Sequencing in Privatization: Theory and Evidence from the Czech Republic" (with N. Gupta and J. Svejnar), European Economic Review, 2008.

Special Issue on Experimental and Non-Experimental Evaluation of Economic Policy and Models (Introduction)” (with R. LaLonde), Journal of Econometrics, 2005.

Loan Demand: An Empirical Analysis Using Micro Data” (with A. Melnik), Review of Economics and Statistics, 1987.

“Geography and Creativity” (with B. Weinberg), 2010, under revision.