About me

John Nana FrancoisFiscal Policy & Sustainable Growth UnitWorld Bank GroupEmail: jnanafrancois@gmail.com

ResearchGate ProfileGoogle Scholar ProfileFollow me on Twitter: @NanaFrancoisMember: ASHE, AFEA

Thank you for visiting my page! I am an Economist at the Fiscal Policy and Sustainable Growth Unit under the Macroeconomic, Trade and Investment Department at the World Bank. Prior to joining the World Bank, I was a an Assistant Professor at the Paul and Virginia Engler College of Business at West Texas A&M University.  I received B.S (Hons) in Mathematics and Economics at the University of Ghana, Legon and my Ph.D in economics at the University of Kansas, I graduated in May, 2017. 

My research combines theory and data to study the structural relationship between government policy instruments (i.e., public consumption and investment) and private macroeconomic outcomes (i.e., private consumption and investment). I then try to understand how these structural relationships explain fiscal policy transmission and effectiveness in both developing and developed economies.  Additionally, some of my current research has focused on debt relief, the effect of institutions on access to sanitation, gender issues, and the macroeconomic effects of international capital flows (e.g., aid and remittances) in developing and emerging economies.   Curriculum Vitae