Curriculum Vitae

John Elfrank-Dana

Curriculum Vitae

Pedagogical Experience 

Adjunct Lecturer/Field Supervisor 2017 - present, Hunter College of the City University of New York, Department of Curriculum & Teaching. Supervise pre-service student teachers and in-service practicum teachers in New York City

Field Supervisor 2020 - present. Teachers College of Columbia University. Supervise student teachers in pre-service field placements and student teacher assignments. 

Student Teacher Supervisor/ Adjunct Lecturer SUNY New Paltz 2017 - Present, School of Education.  Supervise pre-service student teachers in middle school and high school settings.

Student Teacher/EdTPA Supervisor Marist College - 2017-2021 Teacher Education Department. Supervised pre-service student teachers in field assignments and EdTPA preparation. 

Adjunct Professor/Field Specialist, 2004 - 2016, Fordham University Graduate School, Division of Curriculum & Teaching. Designed and taught a graduate seminar for pre and in-service teachers in new media integration in instruction and helped to develop online courses. Field Specialist duties (2016 - 2017) include proving support and evaluation of pre and in-service teachers/masters degree candidates.

Teacher of Social Studies (Ret.) 1991 - 2016, at the Murry Bergtraum High School for Business Careers in New York City. Taught all social studies courses. Duties also included staff development, CEP, grant writing and coordinating school-wide programs that included instructional technology. Other positions held: Conflict Mediation & Dean of Discipline, and UFT Chapter Leader 2006-2016. Recent courses developed included: Cyber U.S. History and On-Line Economics and Participation in Government.

Curriculum Consultant, Common Core Fellows/ NYC Dept. of Education 2014- 2016. Developed social studies curriculum maps aligned to new standards.

Consultant, Teacher Consultation Committee/ NYSED - 2014. Selected to review and develop new Social Studies ToolKit resource for 9-12. 

Adjunct Professor, 2013 Adelphi University Ruth S. Ammon School of Education, Technology for Science Learning. Graduate seminar on integrating social media into science instruction for pre-service teachers.

Consultant, The Smithsonian Institution - Teacher Advisory Committee - 2010 Oh Freedom! Civil Rights Web Site Project. Helped design curriculum and web site for exhibition in Fall 2010 in Washington D.C.

Adjunct Lecturer, Baruch College Summer Step Academy, 2006 - 2009, Baruch College, City University of New York, College Now Program: Taught web design principles, Baruch Step Academy: Helping to develop online journalism class using Web 2.0 tools via media workshop with high school students.

Director – Technology and Curriculum, 1999-2001 Teachers Network (IMPACT II) New York, New York. Coordinator of the TeachNet Professional Development Project for eight affiliate sites nationwide, grant disseminator, fund developer for technology/curriculum grants in addition to various administrative responsibilities. 


Toyota International Teacher Award 2011 - Selected to participate from hundreds of applicants in 2011's Institute of International Education/ Toyota Costa Rica study/teaching program, Nov. 19 – Dec. 3, 2011. Designed and participated in online instruction with students in New York from Costa Rica about sustainability issues 

Carnegie Scholar, 1999 - 2001 Nominated and selected as one of fourteen teachers nation-wide to participate in the Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Subject of study: How to achieve educational vision with new media tools.

Sample Presentations

NCREST/ISA - National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools & Teaching - Columbia University / Institute for Student Achievement, Using New Media Tools in the Small Learning Community, Tarrytown, New York. June 2005 & June 2006

NECC- The National Education Computing Association Conference, San Antonio, Texas. Serving up Data on School Web Sites, June 2002

Teacher Scholarship - The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Coalition of Essential Schools & National Writing Project. Teacher Vision in the New Media Classroom. Oakland, California. July 2001

Tech Now – Converge Magazine & NYC Board of Education: Presenting- Teacher Networking Via the Web. October 19, 2000.

New York State Association for Computers and Technology in Education (NYSCATE) . Achieving High Standards in the Online Social Studies Class. Albany, New York, November 1998.

Aligning Classrooms and Technology I & II, Manhattan High Schools Technology Conference, Presenter: Approaching the New Standards In the Online Social Studies Class, May 1998 & 1999. Presented examples of how using the Internet can facilitate teaching to standards.

Consortium For School Networking (COSN) National Conference, Feb. 1999. Demonstration of the use of the Webfolio in the social studies and English class. 

Grant Proposals

1999- 2000 Numerous corporate grants funded from AT&T Foundation, Citigroup Foundation, Pfizer Foundation and other contributors for the TeachNet Project and other related programs at Teachers Network.

1995 and 1997 Goals 2000 (funded) grant for technology enhancement and staff development plans.

1997 Comprehensive Educational Plan, (funded) for school-wide plan from the Manhattan High School Division.

International Travel

Germany - 2013 Toured WWII and Holocaust memorials and sites, as well as the vibrant and diverse democracy that has evolved there.

Costa Rica - 2011 Award through the Toyota International Teacher Program. Study tour with sustainability and biodiversity themes. 

Peru – 2011 Traveled with wife to accept her international literary award.

Spain – 2009 & 2006: Historic tours: Andalucía, Aragon, Catalonia, Castillia,

Morocco – 2009 Historic tour of Tangier

India – 2007 for Celebration of 60th Anniversary of Independence, Gandhi study

China – 2005 Met with professor from Beijing university, Historic tour

England -- 2005 Historic tour of London

Greece – 2004 Historic tour Athens and Crete

Sweden – 1997 & 1999 Learning bridge project, collaboration with Swedish educators and classes.

France – 1993 Historic Tour of Paris and Chartres

Holland – 1993 Historic Tour Amsterdam and Rotterdam. 

Technical Proficiencies

Zoom/ Google Meet for use in seminar and classes, including breakout rooms.

Google Classroom Apps: Docs, Drive, Sheets, Slides, Forms, more as will as extensions and plugins

SmartBoard: Use in the classroom and workshop leadership

Web 2.0: Experienced user of Google Apps, including shared docs, wikis, more...

Network: Windows NT, Windows 2000/2003 Administration and Web Server

Web Page Authoring: Microsoft FrontPage, Macromedia Dream Weaver

Applications: Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe PhotoShop, Digital Imaging Software

Hardware: Twelve years’ experience troubleshooting Windows machines and networks.


The New York Times on the Web: When School Is Held on Snow Days, Rebecca Weiner:

ABC Eye Witness News (NYC) interview on online safety at home.

Wired Magazine: Filtered, Schools Like Oil, Water, Katie Dean:


Will the Common Core Widen the New Digital Divide? WNYC ShoolBook, September 2013 

Wanted, New Standards that Embrace Technology, New York Times Schoolbook, September  2012.

Teacher Vision in the New Media Classroom- Learning and Leading with Technology , feature article November 2001. International Society for Technology in Education .

Building and Using a Database in the Classroom- Learning and Leading with Technology feature article December/January 2001/2002. International Society for Technology in Education .

Keeping the Classroom Safe For Democracy, Using the Internet in the High School Social Studies Class, CivNet’s Journal, March 1999. 


MA Public Administration, Saint Louis University,

BA Philosophy, Saint Louis University


Life certificates in: New York State, New York City, Massachusetts, and Missouri