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Available Positions:

Research Technician: We are recruiting a research technician to work on research projects related to the lab’s cancer research with a primary focus on the rare vascular sarcoma epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (EHE), but will also help with projects focused on melanoma, thyroid cancer, and breast cancer.Interested applicants should send the a short description of career goals and CV or resume to

Postdoctoral Fellows: We are recruiting a postdoc to work on a funded project aimed at identifying existing drugs that can be repurposed to treat EHE.  Send a cover letter, CV, and references to Dr. Lamar (

Graduate Students:  Individuals interested in the graduate program at AMC can apply here or contact Dr. Roman Ginnan ( for more information. Current Students interested in rotating should e-mail Dr. Lamar (

Medical Students: AMC medical or MDDR students interested in rotating in or joining our lab should e-mail Dr. Lamar (

Undergraduate Researchers: Individuals interested in performing research projects in our lab should send a cover letter, CV, and references to Dr. Lamar (