

JLabChart is Java application. It runs on virtually any computer where a Java Virtual Machine is available. In the following you will find details about installing the tool on the most common platforms.

JRE Installation

Please download a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) for your platform of choice. Follow the instructions to correctly install the JRE in your execution environment.

After installing the JRE, open a command line terminal and execute the following command:

java -version

If the installation is correct, the output should be similar to the following:

java version "1.x.y_z"

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (...)

Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (...)

Please note that this message could slightly change on different platforms. In case you get any error during installation, please refer to the JRE documentation.

Software Installation

JLabChart has been tested on Microsoft Windows, MacOS and Ubuntu Operating Systems. You may install the last version of the tool from the download page together with a sample signal file, distributed with the tool for testing purposes.

Linux and MacOS

You will obtain a jar file like:


On a Linux box (e.g. Ubuntu), open a terminal and type:

java -jar JLabChart.jar

On MacOS just double click on the jar file to execute it.


On Windows download the native executable version from the download page where you will obtain an exe application file:


Just double click on the file to start the application. If a Java Runtime Environment will not be found on your machine, the system will automatically show a webpage from where you can download and install a JRE (such a functionality is only available on the Windows operating system).

Software Testing

  1. Click on the Open icon on the toolbar (or File menu), or press CTRL-O and select the signal test file you downloaded from the Download section.

  2. Now choose the type of analysis you want to perform. A non-modal dialog window will open.

  3. Move the mouse pointer over the signal and a relevant section will be automatically selected by the signal segmentation routine. Analysis and measure performed on that signal portion will be visualized in the analysis dialog window (opened on step 2).