My Passion

My Passion

Thanks for letting me share with you about the love of my life, the man Jesus Christ. I will try to steer clear of religious jargon to keep it simple for all. By clicking on the links you will get Bible references to support the statement.

Who Is Jesus

Jesus was born about 2000 years ago. He was born in the land that is known today as Isreal. He was born of a young Jewish girl named Mary while she was still a virgin. She was engaged to be married to Joseph when the God of her people, the Jewish people, brought the good news to her that she was to give birth to the son of God and the long awaited savior of her people. There were many unususal circumstances that surrounded the birth of Jesus. The story is told best in the book of Luke with details added in the book of Matthew.

Jesus began public ministry at the age of thirty. He proclaimed the good news that the kingdom of God is near at hand. He taught with authority unlike the religious leaders of his day. He had compassion on the people and touched the people. He showed us a better way to live. After three and a half years of earthly ministry, the religious leaders of His day had Him cruelly publicly killed; but after about 40 hours in the grave (on the third day) He arose from the grave just as He had told His followers He would do. For about 40 days following His resurrection. He appeared at various times and places to His followers giving them some final instuctions.

Jesus today sits at the right hand of God interceding for those that belong to Him. You too today can become one of Jesus' possessions by surrendering your life to His Lordship.

His Love

Jesus revealed many wonderful things about the nature of God. More than anything else he became the love of God in human flesh. He showed us just how bountifully our heavenly father loves us. He gave a picture of a loving heavenly father, that desires many wonderful things for his children. He showed us how we can break out of the cycle of bondage to sin and selfishness.

His Compassion

Jesus never rejected anyone who sought his help. He met the deepest needs of everyone that came to him. He healed all that came to him seeking healing for their bodies. He made provision for those that entrusted their needs to him. He gave the deepest kind of forgiveness to those that sought him with a whole heart. Those that were desperate for his touch were always able to receive from him what they sought. He will meet you at your most desperate moments with exactly the provision needed for that moment when you trust and seek Him with a whole heart.

His Miracles

Jesus performed miracles. His miricles were never done just as displays of power or to establish fame for Himself. He often performed miracles in response to desperate people trusting their needs to Him. In these cases He usually said their faith had achieved the miracle. He sometimes performed a miracle out of His compassion for the people. On a few occassions He performed a miracle as a challenge to the religious leaders of His day. There were occassions that He performed a miracle to teach His diciples a lesson. The miracles of Jesus encompassed: raising the dead, walking on water, calming the wind and weather, tele-transportation, provision of food or drink, healing the sick, and knowledge of peoples history. He said that we, His followers, will also do the same works that He has done while on the earth.

His Attitude Toward Religion

Jesus did not give anything to the religious leaders of his day. He made it very clear that the path to God is not through the increasing of religious activity or religious traditions but rather in seeking of the man Jesus. Jesus once said it is difficult for the rich to enter the kingdom of God. This was not a condemnation of prosperity, but rather a recognition of the fact that those who are self sufficient will likely never trust God enough to seek the true riches offered by Jesus. May we always and forever be desperate in our trust of Jesus. If you are full of pride or are self sufficient to the point that you have need of nothing, then you will likely only meet the man Jesus in a religious or intellectual way. This kind of knowledge is good, as long as we don't become prideful in our knowledge and begin to hinder others from seeking the intimate personal knowledge of, and experience with, Jesus.

He Tells All to Come to Him.

Jesus openly invited all to come to him. He still today accepts any who will come to him. He is the God of new starts. He freely forgives the mistakes of our past, if we are sincere in our coming. Trust Him today to meet your deepest needs.

Jesus while present in human form pointed the way for us to live. He taught us first and formost by the simple and complete love that he dimonstrated to those around Himself. But He also gave us many lessons on how we should live our lives.
