Email: jionghao [at] cmu [dot] edu

Office: NSH 2602C

ORCID: 0000-0003-3320-3907

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Jionghao Lin

Pronunciation: Jon-How Lin

Postdoctoral Researcher at HCII 

Doctoral Researcher at CoLAM 

Monash University

Hello! I'm a postdoctoral researcher working with Prof. Kenneth R. Koedinger at HCII, Carnegie Mellon University. I completed my Ph.D. degree in Computer Science at the Centre for Learning Analytics at Monash University (CoLAM) supervised by Prof. Dragan Gašević, Dr. Guanliang Chen, and Prof. Sharon L. Oviatt. My research interests include learning analytics, artificial intelligence in education, educational data mining, educational feedback, educational dialogue, and natural language processing. I focus on the development of computational methods that can be used to understand and optimize the learning and teaching environment.

Five Most Recent News

July/2024 Demo article "Coursera-REC:  Explainable MOOCs Course Recommendation using RAG-facilitated LLMs" received 🏅Best Paper Award Nominee by Interactive Event at 25th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. [*Led by GEM 💎 Team Student: Jiarui Rao] 

July/2024 Conference paper "Generative Adversarial Networks for Imputing Sparse Learning Performance" accepted by ICPR2024 (Long paper)

June/2024 Our Conference paper received 🏆Best Paper Award by the 26th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction

June/2024 Workshop article "Enhancing MOOCs Recommendations Using Retrieval-Augmented Generation with Large Language Models" accepted by Workshop at International Conference on Educational Data Mining 2024: Leveraging Large Language Models for Next Generation Educational Technologies. [*Led by GEM 💎 Team Student: Jiarui Rao] 

June/2024 SPL: A Socratic Playground for Learning Powered by Large Language Model article "SPL: A Socratic Playground for Learning Powered by Large Language Model" accepted by Workshop at International Conference on Educational Data Mining 2024: Leveraging Large Language Models for Next Generation Educational Technologies

News Rewind

May/2024 Our Journal paper was featured  by a newsletter 🎤 about AI in Education on LinkedIn

May/2024 Working-in-progress article "Learning and AI Evaluation of Tutors Responding to Students Engaging in Negative Self-Talk" accepted by ACM Learning @ Scale Conference 2024

May/2024 Demo article "HAROR: A System for Highlighting and Rephrasing Open-Ended Responses" accepted by ACM Learning @ Scale Conference 2024

May/2024 Demo article "GPTutor: Great Personalized Tutor with Large Language Models for Personalized Learning Content Generation" accepted by ACM Learning @ Scale Conference 2024

May/2024 Demo article "MuFIN: A Framework for Automating Multimodal Feedback Generation using Generative Artificial Intelligence" accepted by ACM Learning @ Scale Conference 2024

April/2024 Joint Proceedings of LAK 2024 Workshops "Generative AI for Learning Analytics (GenAI-LA)" online available now (Workshop co-organizer)

April/2024 Conference paper "How Can I Improve? Using GPT to Highlight the Desired and Undesired Parts of Open-ended Responses" accepted by EDM2024 (Long paper)

April/2024 Conference paper "Understanding Learning in Collaborative Tutoring Systems via Instructional Factors Analysis of Peer Tutoring Chats" accepted by EDM2024 (Long paper)

April/2024 Journal article "Towards Automated Transcribing and Coding of Embodied Teamwork Communication through Multimodal Learning Analytics" accepted by British Journal of Educational Technology

March/2024 Conference paper "Predicting Learning Performance with Large Language Models: A Study in Adult Literacy" accepted by HCII2024 (Long paper)

March/2024 Conference paper "Using Generative AI to Provide Feedback to Adult Tutors in Training and Assess Real-life Performance" accepted by LIC2024 (Long paper)

March/2024 Conference paper "Improving Student Learning with Hybrid Human-AI Tutoring: A Three-Study Quasi-Experimental Investigation" accepted by LAK2024 (Long paper)
