PhD Student Supervision

  1. June 2018-present, Nilupuli Senadhira (principle supervisor: Associate Prof. Salman Durrani).
  2. May 2015-present, Xiaohui (Katrina) Zhou (principle supervisor: Associate Prof. Salman Durrani).

Undergraduate Student Supervision

  1. July 2017-May 2018, Hanzhong Cao, topic: UAV communications.
  2. Mar. 2017-Oct. 2018, Nilupuli Senadhira, topic: random access in machine-to-machine communications (principle supervisor: Associate Prof. Salman Durrani).
  3. Feb. 2017-May 2017, Hanwei Zhu, topic: random access in machine-to-machine communications.
  4. July 2016-May 2017, Ye Tao, topic: random access in machine-to-machine communications.
  5. Mar. 2016-Nov. 2016, Jason Lee, topic: random access in machine-to-machine communications (principle supervisor: Associate Prof. Salman Durrani).
  6. Aug. 2015 -May 2016, Nilupuli Senadhira, topic: device-to-device communication with multiple antenna transmission (principle supervisor: Associate Prof. Salman Durrani).
    • one conference paper published.
  7. Aug. 2014-Oct. 2014, Daniel Marshall, topic: device-to-device communication in cellular networks (principle supervisor: Associate Prof. Salman Durrani).
    • one conference paper published.
  8. May 2014-Oct. 2014, Xiaohui (Katrina) Zhou, topic: wireless energy harvesting in large-scale Ad hoc networks with multiple antenna transmission nodes (principle supervisor: Associate Prof. Salman Durrani).
    • one letter published.


  • 2018 ENGN 4536/6536 Wireless Communications, Lecturer, Undergraduate/Postgraduate course, Australian National University, Australia

Lab Demonstrator and Tutor

  • Semester 1, 2015, ENGN 8538 Probability and Stochastic Processes in Engineering, ANU.
  • Semester 2, 2013/2014/2015, ENGN 4536 Wireless Communications, ANU.
  • Semester 1, 2013/2014/2015, ENGN 3226/6626 Digital Communications, ANU.
  • Semester 1, 2013/2014, ENGN 2218 Electronic Systems and Design, ANU.