Jing Guo Home page

Dr. Jing Guo (郭婧) is an associate Professor at School of Information and Electronics , Beijing Institute of Technology, China.

Email: jingguo@bit.edu.cn

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Address: TBA

Phone: TBA

Brief Biography: Dr. Jing Guo received her BSc (first class honours) in electronics and telecommunications engineering from the Australian National University, Australia and the Beijing Institute of Technology, China in 2012, and PhD degree in telecommunications engineering from the Australian National University in 2016. During April 2016-March 2019, she was employed as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Research School of Engineering, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. Currently, she is an associate Professor at School of Information and Electronics , Beijing Institute of Technology, China. Her research interest lies in the field of wireless communications, including machine-to-machine communications and the application of stochastic geometry to wireless networks.