
From August 1, 2023, Jia Lab officially moved to the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology at Kennesaw State University. 

 Undergradute Cameron Driskell gives a video presentation titled "The Role of JAK/STAT Pathway and Broad Expression in Proper Border Cell Migration in Drosophila Melanogaster During Development" at the Spring 2020 Virtual Honors Symposium at Georgia Southern University. 

 Undergraduate Lily Paculis and Adonijah Applebery give virtual presentations about our research "A genetic screen to identify the roles of human genes in Drosophila" and "Cytotoxicity Evaluations of Tri-substituted Pyridazine Compounds in Fruit Fly Model" to the GSU Biology Undergraduate Research Virtual Symposium, April 27, 2020. 

 Undergraduate Lily Paculis gives virtual presentations about our research "A genetic screen to identify the roles of human genes in Drosophila" to The Allied Genetics Conference 2020 (The 61st Annual Drosophila Research Conference), April 22-26, 2020 Washington DC, USA 

 Congratulations to Jia Lab's undergraduate trainee Ashley Avila. She has been awarded with COUR Research Award 2020-2021.

 Congratulations to Jia Lab's undergraduate trainee Lily Paculis. She has been awarded with Georgia Southern SGA Travel Award to present her work.

 As a team, here's a great example of our students getting involved in research. From Dr. Dongyu Jia's lab, this work published by Journal of Visualized Experiments involves a graduate student Shawna (first author) and undergraduates Molly and Lily.

Defreitas, S., Rowe, M.*, Paculis, L.*, Jia, D.  (2020). Integration of Bioinformatics Approaches and Experimental Validations to Understand the Role of Notch Signaling in Ovarian Cancer. Journal of Visualized Experiments.155: e60502

 Dr. Jia was awarded one Undergraduate Student Research Assistant Position funded by Office of Research. Thanks to our school for the generosity and funding our undergraduate researchers.

 Here's the Honors Program's coverage of undergraduate Molly Rowe's research work. Congratulations Molly.

 "Developing the Research Mindset"

 Congratulations to Jia Lab's undergraduate trainee Ashley Avila. She has been chosen as a Chandler Scholar! This is one of the most prestigious scholarships on campus due to its goal of furthering undergraduate research. 

 We are truly grateful to the Chandler Family for providing this opportunity to us. 

 Congratulations to Molly Rowe. She has been awarded the Dean's Recognition as a Research Scholar.

 Congratulations to Jia Lab's undergraduate trainee, Molly Rowe, on her acceptance to the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University! Great Job!

 Dr. Jia received Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing from Spandidos Publications.

 Dr. Jia was awarded the Faculty Research Committee Award to investigate the roles of downstream transcription factors in the Notch pathway.

 Dr. Jia's recent publication at Oncology Letters indicates the importance of DNA topoisomerase IIα and RAD21 cohesin complex component in bladder cancer.

Yu, Z., Xu, Q., Wang, G., Rowe, M.*, Driskell, C.*, Xie, Q., Wu, M., Jia, D. (2019). DNA topoisomerase IIα and RAD21 cohesin complex component are predicted as potential therapeutic targets in bladder cancer. Oncology Letters. 18: 518-528.

 Dr. Jia was awarded the COSM Summer Research Session Award for research on fruit flies.

 Undergraduate researcher Molly Rowe received GSU Undergraduate Student Travel Award and SGA Funding to present her work "Analysis of the sequential activation of downstream targets of Notch signaling during Drosophila melanogaster egg chamber development"at  60th Annual Drosophila Research Conference. Our findings re-define the timing of Notch activation.

 Dr. Jia's recent publication at Oncology Letters indicates the involvement of Notch signaling in human ovarian cancer.

Jia, D., Underwood, J.*, Xu, Q., Xie, Q. (2019). NOTCH2/NOTCH3/DLL3/MAML1/ADAM17 signaling network is associated with ovarian cancer. Oncology Letters.

 Dr. Jia's recent publication at Scientific Reports indicates inflammation is a key contributor to ovarian cancer cell seeding.

Jia, D., Nagaoka, Y., Katsumata, M., Orsulic, S. (2018). Inflammation is a key contributor to ovarian cancer cell seeding. Scientific Reports. 8:12394. 

 Dr. Jia's active learning innovative mini-grant proposal was supported by the College of Science and Mathematics funding from the USG STEM Initiative. 

  Our recent publication at Journal of Genetics and Genomics presents a groundbreaking finding of Gal4/UASt system, one of the most extensively used techniques in organisms such as the Drosophila (fruit fly). For decades, scientists use Gal4/UASt system to drive transgene expression in somatic tissues of fruit fly, but have no idea why the system does not work in the female germline. Our paper addresses the outstanding mystery, linking the inefficiency to the piRNA pathway. Dr. Jia's major contribution to this study is that he is the first one who discovers the phenomenon, namely, the knockdown of Su(var)2-10, a piRNA pathway component, can break the barrier to drive Gal4/UASt expression in the germline tissues. 

Huang, Y.C., Moreno, H., Row, S., Jia, D., Deng, W.M. (2018). Germline silencing of UASt depends on the piRNA pathway. Journal of Genetics and Genomics.

 Dr. Jia traveled to Atlanta to attend the 2-day Professional Grant Development Workshop held at Georgia State University.

 Undergraduate researcher Jesse Underwood received GSU Undergraduate Student Travel Award and SGA Funding to present his research on Notch signaling in ovarian cancer at the recent meeting of the 59th Annual Drosophila Research Conference organized by the Genetics Society of America in Philadelphia.

 Congratulations to Jia Lab's first undergraduate trainee, Jesse Underwood, on his acceptance into the Doctor of Pharmacy program at South University School of Pharmacy. Great Job!

 After one semester, Jia Lab is finally set up. The first immunofluorescence image of Drosophila egg chambers was taken on Dec. 10, 2017. Jia Lab is now in business.

 On November 29, 2017, Dr. Jia was appointed as a Review Editor on the Editorial Board of the peer-review journal Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology.

 Undergraduate researcher Jesse Underwood is doing a poster presentation at Fall 2017 Undergraduate Research Symposium on November 27, 2017.

 Dr. Wu-Min Deng, Professor of Biological Science at Florida State University, visited GSU and our lab. In addition, he gave a seminar talk titled “Tumorigenesis in tumor hotspots in Drosophila models” in BSCI 1109 on Nov.15.  


 Dr. Jia revisited Florida State University, gave a seminar talk titled "Fruit fly: an emerging model to understand cancer biology", was honored to receive the 2017 Alumni Award, and obtained essential fruit fly stocks for the lab. 

 Undergraduate researcher Jesse Underwood is making the first batch of fly food. Jia Lab starts to be in action. 

 We thank the support from College of Science and Mathematics, Dr. Jia received 2017-2018 COSM Research Grant.

 Thank Digital Commons at Georgia Southern for featuring Dr. Jia at its homepage and creating Dr. Jia's Selected Works Profile


 Dr. Gengqiang Xie from Florida State University visited Jia Lab on September 4, 2017. He gave a talk in the lab titled "Modeling childhood tumor using little fruit flies".

 Georgia Southern University did a brief news release on Dr. Jia's recognition as a Notable Nole.  The title of news is "Biology professor Dongyu Jia, Ph.D., recognized for research contributions".

 Dr. Jia was named one of Florida State University’s Notable Noles (aka Young Alumni Awards) for the year 2017. The FSU Alumni Association's Notable Noles program was created to recognize the outstanding accomplishments of Florida State's young alumni. Each recipient must be an alumnus age 35 or younger who has made exceptional achievements and significant contributions to his or her profession, community/society or the university. The recipient must exemplify outstanding professional and personal development either through traditional channels or innovative approaches.

 Dr. Jia attended Georgia Southern New Faculty Orientation between August 3-4, 2017.

 Dr. Jia attended COSM New Faculty Teaching Workshop between July 12, 2017- August 2, 2017.

 Dr. Jia gets on board with Georgia Southern University on July 3, 2017.