
I have taught chemistry courses since 1996 both in the USA and at the University of Copenhagen. I used the standard lecture model (always blackboard, never powerpoint) until about 2011 when I switched to peer instruction. This site describes the teaching tools and tips I use in my teaching.

The different sections are not written with any specific order in mind and the site is designed so that you, hopefully, can find the information you are searching for quickly. However, if you are very new to the idea of active learning and want to read most of the material, I suggest the following order:

1. A glossary of useful pedagogy concepts

2. A flipped classroom

3. Peer instruction

4. Socrative

5. Writing good peer instruction questions

6. The "reading" quiz and on-line quizzes

7. Video lectures

8. Making video lectures: screencasts

9. Making video lectures: pen-casts

10. Getting started

I hope this site is of use to you. If you have questions or comments you can leave them here or contact me on twitter.

Jan H. Jensen

Department of Chemistry

University of Copenhagen