
Links on Rehoming Animals including Templates for Flyers

"Begin to weave and God will supply the thread." German proverb

Below link from Best Friends site offers many urls including a template to make a flyer/poster:

http://www.bestfrie melesspets/ resourcelibrary/ index.cfm

Below link is an excellent tutorial:

There is template below here, though more space for a narrive would be helpful. (OR go to and choose link to make a flyer if url doesn't take you to it direct)

Lots of links with information here:

and here:

A good resource on getting help from rescue organizations:

MD-SPCA below offers a way to promote an animal on their site:

**Below is a valuable form to have handy to interview applicants. Print a few and keep by the phone.**

Or below forms are excellent too. One for cat adoptions and one for dog adoptions.

Below url contains some good links all in one place:

http://www.purebred catbreedrescue. org/rehome. htm

Below is from the Pet Action League and includes a blank adoption contract which can be modified and used:

http://www.petrescu free-pet. htm

This one below is from PeTA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals):

http://www.helpinga pdfs/BROfindingh ome.pdf

Below is from Tree House Animal Foundation in Chicago (on the Best Friends site):

Excellent web page below is from a feline placement and rescue organization:

Also includes a blank adoption contract which can be modified on line and printed:

http://www.brooklyn animalfosternetw if.html

Below one is from the Humane Society of the United States:

Below one is from shelter in Oregon:

Alley Cat Allies recently came out with suggestions on rehoming which encompasses much of what is found elsewhere. Makes an excellent point about you being the best path for an animal to find a home, even though shelters seem more expert -- they often euthanize for lack of space, inability to pay individual or a lot of attention to each animal or bec. cats particularly stress out and get sick. You CAN rehome an animal and it's worth making the effort. Do it right, but don't be a scairdy fraidy cat. Call me - Joanna at 202-331-1330 and I'll hold your hand, walk you through it and help you screen adoptive candidates.

B e l o w a r e t w o i m p o r t a n t r e s o u r c e s:

http://www.craigsli (use: http://photobucket. com to add photos to Craigs List posts) By trolling through Petfinder and calling fosterers, you can sometimes get information about the organization for whom their animal is being fostered, and also you might ask about other area resources and organizations. If you do reach out to a foster person this way, do not expect them to accept your animal. Interview for information. Avoid Petfinder's Classifieds which elicit some bizarre responses from out of area and overseas saying they will send you a check and you send back the difference from shipping expenses. No one known to me has gotten even one legitimate non-scammy sounding responses.

Generally speaking, small placement groups have high vet bills, a donation for which might motivate some groups to accept an animal. No one can say how much is the best amount to offer. It depends on your circumstances as well as the age, temperament, medical and vaccination or sterilization status of an animal.

I advise adopters to escrow $100 for each year of a cat's life as a donation to a rescue group if the cat ever has to be rehomed. Therefore a fully vetted cat of one year would be offered to a reputable placement agency with a $100 donation, but an adult cat might come with a stipend or dowry of $500 or more.

Sometimes an older animal is unable to be rehomed or, if adopted out, comes back and what was supposed to be a temporary home becomes a permanent one. $500 for lifetime care for an adult cat who cannot be adopted out, is an extremely modest amount. See, for instance: which has a retirement program for cats over eight years of age. Their lifetime fee for an adult cat is $15,000. There are other retirement homes too, but as with rescue organizations, one must perform due diligence and use great caution when giving money to someone to take care of an animal. Ask an organization offering lifetime care what their plans are in the event of the founder or executive director's demise.
