Eco playlist

Some MUST SEE documentaries and videos. Check them out!

  • An Inconvenient Truth: the truth of global warming.

  • The 11th Hour: documentary from Leonardo DiCaprio about the state of humanity and the world.

  • Home: We are living in exceptional times. Scientists tell us that we have 10 years to change the way we live, avert the depletion of natural resources and the catastrophic evolution of the Earth's climate.

  • The Cove: The Cove exposes not only the tragedy of dolphin slaughtering in Japan, but also the dangerously high levels of mercury in dolphin meat and seafood, the cruelty in capturing dolphins for entertainment, and the depletion of our oceans fisheries by worldwide seafood consumption. We also see how the mandate of the International Whaling Commission has been manipulated by the Japanese Fisheries Agency for its benefit and its subsequent effect on the rest of the world.

  • Fast Food Nation: A dramatic feature based on material from the incendiary book Fast Food Nation, a no-holds-barred exploration of the fast food industry that ultimately revealed the dark side of the "All American Meal."

  • Nestlé - Kit-Kat - Greenpeace - Give the orang-utan a break...

  • Meet your Meat

  • The Meatrix

  • The Virus Called Human

  • Chew On This

  • What KIND of Person Are YOU?

  • Farm To Fridge

  • Earthlings

  • Food, Inc.: How much do we really know about the food we buy at our local supermarkets and serve to our families?