Professional CV

Academic record

Areas of scientific interest

  • Robotics: swarm robotics, evolutionary robotics, modular robotics, self-assembling / self-reconfiguring robotics, soft robotics.

  • Artificial Intelligence: swarm intelligence, evolutionary computation, bio-inspired computing.



    • Jessica Meyer. ​The Impact of the Robot’s Morphology in the Collective Transport. In: TAROS 2019 - Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems - 20th Annual Conference, London, UK, July 3-5, 2019, Proceedings, Part II, p. 395-408. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11650. Springer, Cham.

    • Jessica Meyer and Joachim Hertzberg. Co-Evolution of Morphology and Behavior in Self-Organized Robotic Swarms. A: BSC Severo Ochoa International Doctoral Symposium (5th: 2018: Barcelona). "Book of abstracts". Barcelona: Barcelona Supercomputing Center, 2018, p. 74-75. [Get Extended Abstract (PDF)]

    • Jessica Meyer and Marco Simoes. Controladores Fuzzy para o Posicionamento Sem Bola do Goleiro no Futebol de Robos Simulado 2D. In: 5th WTICG-BASE - 5th Workshop de Trabalhos de Iniciacao Cientifica e Graduacao Bahia, Alagoas e Sergipe, 2008, Vitoria da Conquista. Proceedings of the 8th Escola Regional de Computacao Bahia, Alagoas e Sergipe (ERBASE), 2008. Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao (SBC), Porto Alegre, 2008, vol. 1. [Get Paper (PDF)]

    • Hugo da Luz, Jessica Meyer, Victor Souza, Simon Viegas, Marco Simoes and Helder Aragao. Controladores Fuzzy para Agentes Robos Jogadores de Futebol. In: 4th WTICG-BASE - 4th Workshop de Trabalhos de Iniciacao Cientifica e Graduacao Bahia, Alagoas e Sergipe, 2007, Vitoria da Conquista. Proceedings of the 7th Escola Regional de Computacao Bahia, Alagoas e Sergipe (ERBASE), 2007. Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao (SBC), Porto Alegre, 2007, vol. 1. [Get Paper (PDF)]

    • Hugo da Luz, Jessica Meyer, Jailsa Oliveira, Danilo Cruz, Leonardo Pessoa, Marco Simoes, Helder Aragao and Ricardo Lima. Bahia2D: Descricao do Time. In: CBR - Competicao Brasileira de Robotica, 2007, Florianopolis. Proceedings of the 8th Simposio Brasileiro de Automacao Inteligente (SBAI). Sociedade Brasileira de Automatica (SBA), Florianopolis, 2007, vol. 1. [Get Paper (PDF)]

    • Hugo Silva, Fabio Ferreira, Marco Simoes, Jessica Meyer, Helder Aragao and Ricardo Lima. Bahia-PV: O Time de Futebol de Robos em Ambiente de Realidade Aumentada. In: CBR - Competicao Brasileira de Robotica, 2007, Florianopolis. Proceedings of the 8th Simposio Brasileiro de Automacao Inteligente (SBAI). Sociedade Brasileira de Automatica (SBA), Florianopolis, 2007, vol. 1. [Get Paper (PDF)]

    • Marco Simoes, Helder Aragao, Victor Souza, Simon Viegas, Hugo da Luz and Jessica Meyer. Bahia2D: Team Description. In Proceedings of Robocup 2007, Atlanta. Robocup Federation, Zurich, 2007, vol. 1. [Get Paper (PDF)]

    • Jessica Meyer. LEDs Brancos Sem Fio. WirelessBrasil, 2007. [Get Paper (PDF)] [HTML Version]

Not Published

  • Jessica Meyer. Co-Evolution of Morphology and Behavior in Self-Organized Robotic Swarms. Submitted to: GECCO 2019 - Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference.

  • Hannes Graeuler, Robin Kogelberg, Thomas Lampe, Jessica Meyer, Philipp Niermann, Mareike Paul, Roland Hafner, Sascha Lange and Martin Riedmiller. Evaluation of Machine Learning Methods on a Swinging Humanoid. In: IROS 2009 - IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. [Get Paper (PDF)]

  • Hugo Silva, Jessica Meyer, Marco Simoes, Helder Aragao and Ricardo Lima. Bahia2D: Desenvolvimento de Controladores Fuzzy para Agentes Robos Jogadores de Futebol. In: SBIC 2007 - Simposio Brasileiro em Inteligencia Computacional. [Get Paper (PDF)]

  • Marco Simoes, Helder Aragao, Victor Souza, Simon Viegas, Hugo da Luz, Jessica Meyer. Using Fuzzy Logic to Build a Heterogeneous Multiagent System for the Robotics Soccer Problem. In: ENIA 2007 - Encontro Nacional de Inteligencia Artificial. [Get Paper (PDF)]

  • Marco Simoes, Helder Aragao, Victor Souza, Simon Viegas, Hugo da Luz, Jessica Meyer. Fuzzy Controllers for Improving Soccer Players Kick, Positioning and Passing. In: Robocup Symposium 2007. [Get Paper (PDF)]

Awards etc.

Research projects


  • Portuguese: native.

  • English: fluent.

  • German: very good.

  • Spanish: very good reading and listening.

Computer Skills

  • OS: Windows, Linux.

  • Programming: C/C++, Pascal, Java, Visual Basic, Lisp, Prolog, NQC, NetLogo, Assembler.

  • Simulation: Webots, NERD - Neurodynamics and Evolutionary Robotics Development Kit, RCSSServer - RoboCup Soccer Simulator Server.

  • Numerical Analysis Software: Scilab.

  • Web: HTML, Wiki, Flash.

  • Visualization: OpenGL.

  • Other: LaTeX, Xfuzzy.

Other Experiences


Curriculum Vitae

  • Download as pdf file here.