Remote Chakra Energy Work

Inner energy work itself has developed as a system of energy activation which links the individual to his or her innate language of healing. It trains individuals to utilize their own system for their inner happiness and in support of those they love. The purpose of this is to develop a direct experience of the core identity, thus strengthening the participant's ability to move past barriers to spiritual evolution.

The work is a hands on or remotely practiced transformational toning heart chakra meditation with Jennifer as her faculties come to the fore in how this is perceived and worked with as chakra-practik in her consciousness. This amalgam of faculty with light and sound work has become Chakra-Practik in her consciousness.


“Chakras are interior embodiments of consciousness in the subtle system. As a type of scalar this is darshan to the system naturally occurring. Then you go to the mystery schools to unpack this understanding of the transcendent. This jewel is the crown, it is, was, and forever will be the jewel for living human life.

Wherever we are we can benefit from understanding the subtle mechanics of how this works.” - J.M.Hamilton

"...The power of the life force transmitted outwardly for healing others is proportionate to the power of the will of the healer. ,,, This life force is intelligent but diminished and out of one's control in bodies governed by weak, ego-identified minds. In persons who have identified themselves with their souls, the intelligent creative life force in its full potential is controlled by the wisdom of the soul.

One who knows his soul knows how to work miracles through the life force, the master of life and death, by sending it through the hands in healing rays to burn out disease in any stricken person.

The verses cited above, as well as other accounts in the Gospels, related that Jesus used various outward means of transmitting the cosmic energy: laying on of hands, divinely charged words of healing , transmission of energy by will through the ether, powerful thoughts broadcast to the one in need.”

-Paramahansa Yogananda

Discourse 25 Healing the Sick

The Second Coming of Christ


"The subtle experience of our Body of Light which to most is intangible, can become a clear,felt experience. Once an individual awakens to this inner knowledge, our whole notion of who we are and what we are can change. We begin to recognize that no matter what limitations the physical body may have, our spiritual body is limitless. It can stretch, grow, become heavy or light; it can perform inner yogic postures or catapult us into light gymnastics. It can travel in space and time. It is free.

Once we recognize the power of our own inner light, the journey through the chakra system is an infinite odyssey. It has the capacity to bring us closer to our recognition of God and the Unity in all life. We can more easily experience the Atman, or core Self." -Janet Sussman
