Our Subtle Bodies and the Chakras

Our Subtle Bodies and the Chakras

Jennifer, Heart Med 7.3.19

Subtle Anatomy..

Feeling expansive, compassion for others, that of course is the heart chakra. It is not ‘the pump’, it is the actual chakra; an actual energy center that is governing a lot, a very very powerful chakra in the system. Everyone has had a feeling of this, it is a felt sense. Chakras are very easy to feel. The human body is so phenomenally fantastically designed that it is sensitive enough to actually feel the ‘where’ of our chakras, that we can have experience of our chakras in a felt way.

The heart chakra in many systems is considered as sort of the crowning jewel of the human energy system because especially in a place (like Fairfield, Iowa) where we have people who do a lot of meditating a lot of the chakras, like the 3rd eye or brow chakras, in a lot of mediators are activated; although not necessarily, funnily enough, it does not always happen that way. But a lot of times the chakras above the head, your heads, are very developed. TM in particular does a fantastic job of opening the chakras above the head, that opening is what makes that transcendence experience possible. That is also why people sometimes collapse down in meditation when they go into deeper states of their meditation, they actually slump down or over in meditation a bit because their energy is actually just shooting up and out. Now that is great but it is not going to live in the world that way.

What we want to do is cultivate the strength of our energy body so that we can take that incredible of development of consciousness and live in the world and actually live it. To do that we need to be attending to the condition of this incredible system that we have that is just waiting to be employed. The easiest place to influence this is the heart chakra because as the heart goes the rest of the system will go.

If you start cultivating the heart, whether whether that is in relationship to people or animals, nature or art, or anytime you feel that expansion of the heart. We even jester it that way, “what a big heart he had..” The heart chakra is just like that too. It is big and it goes way out.

But if you open up and cultivate this heart how good we feel in that sense of joy, well being and comfort here. That is a function of the open heart. It is what every spiritual teacher tells us, that we are invited to do, that we are to open the heart, to cultivate the heart. Yes, that ‘expansion of consciousness’ is great but that to live it here on earth we need to open up that heart.

So this is to help with this to move energy in the body and activate certain areas. All to purpose then the cultivated purpose is to help open connections between the chakras and clear them, orient them, help them so that they are spinning in the right direction and that they articulate and communicate with each other.

The chakras when they are healthy nest with each other one in to the other. Where we get in to trouble is when we start getting blocks between these chakras where this can be partial and it is very rare to be complete or you would be really really sick if they are really truly blocked chakras. But they can be diminished and that will manifest in certain kinds of conditions, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual . So, we want to open those blocks up.

In the human energy system there are the chakras that serve as pins that pin the larger light body to its relationship to this little “meat suit” physical body . The chakras are really good at transferring information in and out of this system. The larger light body moves out and around the physical body. So when we open these and start talking to them and invite them to talk to each other then the whole system becomes more activated. This is when some people reference things like change in aura size, that people come to have large auras. Why is that possible? Because their chakras have become un-blocked so that the energies that are available to it spread out. A lot of people here in Fairfield actually do have big chakras, and very big auric fields. They can go out a thousand feet.