invited reviews

  1. Coull, J.T., Giersch, A. (2022) The distinction between temporal order and duration processing, and implications for schizophrenia. Nat Rev Psychol 1, 257–271.

  2. Coull JT, Droit-Volet S (2018) Explicit understanding of duration develops implicitly through action. Trends Cogn. Sci. Trends Cogn. Sci. 22: 923-937

  3. Coull JT, Vidal F, Burle B (2016) When to act, or not to act: that's the SMA's question. Curr Opin Beh. Sci. 8: 14-21

  4. Coull JT, Cheng R Meck WH (2011) Neuroanatomical and neurochemical substrates of timing. Neuropsychopharmacology 36:3-25

  5. Coull JT (2009) Neural substrates of mounting temporal expectation. PLoS Biol.7: e1000166

  6. Coull JT, Nobre AC (2008) Dissociating explicit timing from temporal expectation with fMRI. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 18:137-144

  7. Nobre AC, Correa A, Coull JT (2007) The hazards of time. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 17:465-470

  8. Coull JT (2004) fMRI studies of temporal attention: allocating attention within or towards time. Cognitive Brain Research 21: 216-226

  9. Coull JT (2001) Modulation of attention by noradrenergic α2-agents varies according to arousal level. Drug News and Perspectives 14: 5-11

  10. Coull JT (1998) Neural correlates of attention and arousal: insights from electrophysiology, functional neuroimaging and psychopharmacology. Progress in Neurobiology 55: 343-361

  11. Coull JT (1996) alpha2-adrenoceptors in the treatment of dementia: an attentional mechanism? Journal of Psychopharmacology 10 (suppl. 2): 44-49

  12. Coull JT (1994) Pharmacological manipulations of the alpha2 noradrenergic system: Effects on cognition. Drugs and Aging 5: 116-126

  13. Sahakian BJ, Coull JT (1994) Nicotine and tetrahydroaminoacradine: Evidence for improved attention in patients with dementia of the Alzheimer type. Drug Development Research 31: 80-88

  14. Sahakian BJ and Coull JT (1993) Tetrahydroaminoacradine (THA) in Alzheimer’s disease: an assessment of attentional and mnemonic function using CANTAB. Acta Neurologica Scandanavia Supplement 149: 29-35