book chapters

  1. Coull JT (2015) A frontostriatal circuit for timing the duration of events. In: AW Toga (ed.) Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic Reference , Elsevier

  2. Coull JT (2015) Directing attention in time as a function of temporal expectation. In: AW Toga (ed.) Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic Reference , Elsevier

  3. Coull JT (2014) Getting the timing right: experimental protocols for investigating time with functional neuroimaging and psychopharmacology. In: Merchant H, de Lafunete V (eds.) Neurobiology of interval timing. Springer. Adv Exp Med Biol. 829:237-264

  4. Coull JT (2011) Discrete neuroanatomical substrates for generating and updating temporal expectations. In: Dehaene S and Brannon E (eds.) Time and Number in the Brain: Searching for the Foundations of Mathematical Thought. Elsevier

  5. Nobre AC, Coull JT (2010) Attention and Time, Oxford University Press.

  6. Coull JT (2010) Neural bases of temporal orienting of attention. In: Nobre AC, Coull JT (eds.) Attention and Time, Oxford University Press.

  7. Macar F, Coull JT, Vidal F (2007). Imagerie moderne, imagerie ancienne: A chaque question sa méthode. J. Vauclair, S. Nicolas (eds.) Localisation cérébrale des fonctions mentales, Marseille Solal, 125-141

  8. Coull JT (2007) L’établissement délibéré des attentes temporelles: L’orientation de l’attention dans le temps. In: G.A.Michael (coordonnateur) Neuroscience cognitive de l'attention visuelle. Marseille, Solal, 13−36

  9. Coull JT (2005) Psychopharmacology of Human Attention. In: L Itti, G Rees, J Tsotsos (eds.) Neurobiology of Attention. Academic Press/Elsevier.

  10. Coull JT and Thiele C (2004) Functional Imaging of Cognitive Psychopharmacology. In: RSJ Frackowiak et al (eds.) Human Brain Function, 2nd edition. Academic Press.

  11. Coull JT and Sahakian BJ (2000) Psychopharmacology of memory and attention: applications to the treatment of cognitive dysfunction in dementia and psychiatric disorder. In: GE Berrios and JR Hodges (eds.) Memory Disorders in Psychiatric Practice. Cambridge University Press