PSU Ed Tech Conference 2010
Down The Rabbit Hole: 3D Animation Programming With Storytelling Alice
Storytelling Alice is a version of the popular (and FREE) Alice 3D programming environment designed to encourage middle school students (particularly girls) to learn about programming through creating short 3D animated movies. By applying a story-based structure, learning about programming is more engaging for middle school students. In addition to hands-on work, potential teaching strategies using Storytelling Alice will be discussed.
Main Page For The Alice Project
Presentation Slidedeck
Alice Programming Promo Video
Shall We Make A Game?
The power of games programming is its power to motivate. Game programming requires mathematical and logical skills and often requires a storyline, graphics and music. Game programming can be justified on three grounds--transferable cognitive skills, metacogitive skills and affective benefits. In addition to taking a brief look at these rationales, this hands-on session will give participants the opportunity to create their own games. Shall we MAKE a game?
Game Maker 8 Download & Resources Page
Your Game Design Blog by Soren Buus Nowak (good resource)
Sploder Online Game Play & Creation Site
Presentation Slidedeck